Stations that respond on the West system are as follows
Dist. 17-Southampton Twp.
Station 17-1 Vincentown Fire Dept.
Station 17-2 Hampton Lakes Fire Dept.
Station 17-8-Southamption EMS
Police Patrolled by NJSP Red Lion
Dist. 22-Evesham Twp
station 22-1/22-9 Marlton Fire Station/EMS
station 22-3/22-8 Kings Grant Fire Station/EMS
Station 22-5/22-7 Kettle Run Fire Station/EMS
Police District 22
Dist. 25-Medford Twp.
station 25-1
station 25-2
station 25-8
Police district 25(usually ID themselves on radio with a number starting with 6)
Dist. 28-Shamong Twp.
Station 28-1
Station 28-9 Shamong Twp. EMS
Police Patrolled by NJSP Red Lion
Dist. 37-Medford Lakes Boro
Station 37-1 Medford Lakes Fire Dept.
Station 37-9 Medford Lakes EMS
Police district 37
Dist. 43- Tabernacle Twp.
Station 43-1-Medford Farms Fire Dept.
Station 43-9-Tabernacle Twp. EMS
Police Patrolled by NJSP Red Lion
Police Districts 22 and 37 respond and operate on Burlington County P-8. Medford PD responds on their own channel. All medics dispatched to the West Response area respond on Countywide Medic before switching to West Response 1.