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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Tytera TYT MD2017 DMR repeaters

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Apr 15, 2019
Kings Park, NY
Hello. I have a question about my TYT MD-2017. Sorry if I am posting in wrong category. I have been trying to program some local DMR repeaters into my TYT MD-2017 just for listening because I don’t have my DMR ID yet. I just put my ID as 1234 in the software. I programmed the digital contacts for the repeater put them in receive groups tried both time slots on each repeater and every time I get a green light indicating I’m receiving something and I can’t hear it. I know there is not a problem with the audio on the radio because I have tested that with analog repeaters. I know a lot of people have had this problem in the past and I feel like I’ve tried everything to fix it. I’m desperately trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. I put all the digital contacts into a receive group. Could it be the DMR ID? I know I don’t have one but I know people in the past have been able to put in 1234 and still be able to listen and not transmit?!?! Please help!


Mar 1, 2003
There’s other TG’s being used you don’t have on your radio. Does that radio have promiscuous mode that allows it to listen to anything being transmitted? Also, placing a radio near my desktop causes the green light to come on even though the repeater is not transmitting.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Lewisville, TX
It's not your 1234 causing a problem. I've always found receive groups a problematic function. DMR programing does not follow in the way analog repeaters do. In that one channel programmed for the repeaters output frequency and offset with proper PL tone if needed with get all the repeater - repeats. You will need a channel programed for each TG and its TS duplicating the repeaters frequency for each channel. Coming from analog repeater programing it seem like a waste of memory space, but it is what it is. Promiscuous mode is like ID search on a Uniden scanner, but will show TG number and TS and pass the audio. At least one channel must be setup correctly with TG and TS such as 1 and 1 respectively. MD-2017 made a big splash when it came out, but quick fell out of favor for reasons I don't recall.

Good Luck,


Apr 15, 2019
Kings Park, NY
There’s other TG’s being used you don’t have on your radio. Does that radio have promiscuous mode that allows it to listen to anything being transmitted? Also, placing a radio near my desktop causes the green light to come on even though the repeater is not transmitting.
It looks like the radio does have a promiscuous mode aka as the monitor button on this specific radio. I noticed on RepeaterBook that not all the DMR repeaters have talk-groups only some of them in my area. For the repeater that has multiple talkgroups I will program them as individual channels. But for the repeaters that don’t list any talk groups and activate the receive green light do I also activate the promiscuous mode for those channels also?



Apr 15, 2019
Kings Park, NY
It's not your 1234 causing a problem. I've always found receive groups a problematic function. DMR programing does not follow in the way analog repeaters do. In that one channel programmed for the repeaters output frequency and offset with proper PL tone if needed with get all the repeater - repeats. You will need a channel programed for each TG and its TS duplicating the repeaters frequency for each channel. Coming from analog repeater programing it seem like a waste of memory space, but it is what it is. Promiscuous mode is like ID search on a Uniden scanner, but will show TG number and TS and pass the audio. At least one channel must be setup correctly with TG and TS such as 1 and 1 respectively. MD-2017 made a big splash when it came out, but quick fell out of favor for reasons I don't recall.

Good Luck,
It looks like the radio does have a promiscuous mode aka as the monitor button on this specific radio. I noticed on RepeaterBook that not all the DMR repeaters have talk-groups only some of them in my area. For the repeater that has multiple talkgroups I will program them as individual channels. But for the repeaters that don’t list any talk groups and activate the receive green light do I also activate the promiscuous mode for those channels also? Would this fix the problem?



Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Lewisville, TX
Yes, use the monitor mode to get TG and TS information and add to code plug as needed. Confusing, how are you getting green light for repeaters with no listed talk group? I’m not sure if monitor mode works in VFO vs. memory channel mode. In memory mode it would have to be digital with at least one talk group and slot stored.
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Mar 1, 2003
MD-2017 made a big splash when it came out, but quick fell out of favor for reasons I don't recall.
People didn’t like the trackball. It was way too sensitive. The antenna was very strange looking. But the big problem was the SMA socket broke way too often.
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