At one time it was common for Forest Supervisors, District Rangers and primary staff (on both SO's and RD's) to pull citations that LEO's and FPO's (Forest Protection Officers - unarmed) and write the federal magistrates directly telling them citations were null and void. They did so due to cronyism, violators importance in local communities and actually being anti law enforcement.
Thanks for the entire answer Paysonscanner. I think I probably phrased the question at bit odd, since I was thinking more about what territories the LEOs had vs who they answer to.
As per your answer, up here in Western Colorado it does appear that the USFS LEO's do seem to work a Ranger District. We also have BLM LEOs and its a little harder to tell what level they work since some of the Field Offices are co-located with a District Office.
We have a rather extensive State Public Service Trunk System here in Colorado. Both the BLM and the USFS LEO's use this system and check-in with the State Patrol Dispatcher for their geographic area. All are also equipped to talk with local Sheriff's dispatchers as well when needed.
I don't hear USFS or BLM using the Interagency Fire Dispatch centers, but they do occasionally use fed simplex channels to talk to each other and with rural area Sheriff's deputies.
Up here USFS LEO's use "Forest Service xxxx" ID's on the state system. The 4-digit number doesnt seem to be in any sequence between the LEO's, so maybe a badge number or something is being used.
The BLM LEO's use a 2-digit number that does seem to be in sequence. For instance BLM-20/21/22, BLM-31/32, etc. Each series would seem to be either the District or Field Office.
I have no idea what IDs are used by any of the BLM/USFS investigative units in Colorado or where they are based.