Hi guys, I am playing with HF feqs and what not, I picked up this UHF connector 10 UHF Female Jack SO239 Panel Chassis Mount Connectors | eBay for experiments. My question is -- if I have a 10 inch by 18 inch sheet metal piece, if I drill all 5 holes, and attatch the UHF connctor to the sheet metal-- would there be loss? Is stainless better? I would have the bolts going thru the sheet metal going to connector and bolted WITH stainless washers and nuts to hold it together.. Also, what do I do with the BACK side of the connector? Front hast the threads, back is that littile nub.Is that the ground? . I intend to put the sheet metal screwed to a wooden post while I run wires off the bolts, ALOT of wire, 4 holes, 4 wires.. Thanks, Ron.... This new Alinco is too much.....