What a great idea, puzzling?
I wish more agencys would follow suit and learn how to think of why this actulley happened. DuComm you get your props again for making such a plan become a reality. Great idea in many formats, fd and pd as well as scanner listners. I just wish others would understand the reason why these are so critical things, and implent them in their radios. I guess they do not want to hear it from guy that know a good portion of radio stuff, their loss. Especially when working massive traffic details with no way to hear the guy in squad car over the uhf radio, because the band path does not crosepond. But, yet spend 200,000 thousand dollars to upgrade their comm center so they can hear the fd, so they know when to send a squad car, puzzling. But forget to add the special broadcasts freq's in their handheld radio because someone said they could not. Absoulity amazing, and know I understand why some officers chose to get their own radios.