Thanks for asking. Do you have any idea how old the 3600 is?
The UBC3600 model where released for sales two weeks ago.
Thanks for asking. Do you have any idea how old the 3600 is?
It would be really nice to know if those units have the battery compartment noise.The UBC3600 model where released for sales two weeks ago.
When did you have clock issue fixed?I'm not sure if this will help but I used the copper tape on my battery door and then Uniden then fixed the clock issue and now my 436 seems to pick up a lot better then it did when I got it, also I can pick up dmr systems and p25 systems that are at least 20 plus miles away.
It is not cheap, but here is the link to what I used. I put 10 coats on my doors. Whether 1 coat or 10 makes a difference I really do not know but 10 works. You still need to put some shielding tape on top of the foam. It was worth every penny to me. Remove the foam when you spray. Make sure you use some painters tape on the outside of the case to prevent over sprayI was in denial and denied that the 436 had this issue with the battery door not providing proper signal insulation from the battery compartment as it supposedly interacts with the antenna. Well....yesterday I went and cut up some industrial strength foil my wife had from a relative that is in the food industry. This stuff is over twice as thick as the typical foil you might get at the store as heavy duty.
I cut a full length and folded it until it was about oh...6 or 8 thicknesses. Cut it so it fit the door and over the foam pad corner to corner end to end. I then scanned in the 140mhz range. When it stopped on a weak signal that was just a signal no speaking, I brought the treated door up to the batteries. As I pressed it against the batteries snapping it into place, I would say the noise floor dropped about 2 1/2 times what it was as soon as I removed the door. So with the door in place I continued the scan. When it came Upon another fairly weak signal and stopped, I removed the door. Guess what. The signal literally went away. Put the door back on and voila' it returned. Yikes.
So then I tried to scan in the airport frequencies (120-128mhz range) and this using the new Remtronix 800mhz antenna which is the manufacturer in Japan that makes the Radio Shack one that is so well respected. It's identical and in my case a SMA one as well for best fit without adapters. The result was identical. When it stopped on channels I'd typically never even received before, I rremoved the door and they either got extremely weak or disappeared altogether. Hmm
So last but not least I scanned the 800mhz range. Not expecting any difference......well.....once again it did lower the noise floor. Not quite as dramatically as the 120 or 400mhz range, BUT still I'd say it diminished the noise by at least half. So guess I'm sold on the idea that indeed the radio needs this mod to do it's best. I've lightly taped the back of the foil to have it remain in place and I'll be leaving it on. Can't argue with success. I guess Uniden is desiring to ignore this one. I like the idea of the spray or paint on nickel or whatever was used by another user here. But I'm not sure exactly what it is or where to get it.
If you have an original shipment 436 that has not been back for the clock/display issue. These findings probably do not apply to you. I found some pictures on prior threads showing the display board from those units and it is very different than the ones that were installed during the repair campaign.
I was able to find a 436 that does not exhibit any noise in the battery compartment. The radio has a 2016 serial number. I compared the display boards on both units and found a capacitor that is missing on my 2013 unit. I accept no responsibility for those who wish to open their unit and check for the capacitor. DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. Once you remove the front cover, then remove the display board. Flip over the display board and look in the area the of top right battery terminal. You should see the letters TDO on the circuit board. On the 2013 unit there are two solder pads without any component installed. On the 2016 model those pads have a capacitor soldered in place. I have no idea on the value of the capacitor. So anyone who can help with that value it would be great.
Well, mine doesn't even have spots for those components. The pads don't exist.
I'm guessing your's hasn't had the RTC repair done?