Greetings from Reno...
Old trucker coming out of retirement as a favor to a friend, moving a couple of
bulk trailers from NV to WY via I-80 come mid-April. Been writing the new UCA
system to my 536HP, got the necessary sites along 80 and pretty much all
the TGs thanks to the great contributors on this Forum. Only one that has me
scratching my head is UHP dispatch for Toole County. Has anyone been able to
pin that one down or should I just engage ID search at Wendover and hope for
the best lol?
TIA, Frank in Reno NV
Old trucker coming out of retirement as a favor to a friend, moving a couple of
bulk trailers from NV to WY via I-80 come mid-April. Been writing the new UCA
system to my 536HP, got the necessary sites along 80 and pretty much all
the TGs thanks to the great contributors on this Forum. Only one that has me
scratching my head is UHP dispatch for Toole County. Has anyone been able to
pin that one down or should I just engage ID search at Wendover and hope for
the best lol?
TIA, Frank in Reno NV