"A Dutch company has introduced a detection system that can alert drivers if a police officer or other emergency services official is using a two-way radio nearby.
Blu Eye monitors frequencies used by the encrypted TETRA encrypted communications networks used by government agencies in Europe. It doesn’t allow the user to listen in to transmissions, which is illegal and would require advanced decryption capabilities, but can detect a radio in operation up to one kilometer away.
...a version is in the works that is compatible with the P25 protocol used by U.S. emergency services and could be on sale as early as next year" -- FoxNews.com
'Police detector' monitors emergency radio transmissions -- FoxNews.com
Blu Eye monitors frequencies used by the encrypted TETRA encrypted communications networks used by government agencies in Europe. It doesn’t allow the user to listen in to transmissions, which is illegal and would require advanced decryption capabilities, but can detect a radio in operation up to one kilometer away.
...a version is in the works that is compatible with the P25 protocol used by U.S. emergency services and could be on sale as early as next year" -- FoxNews.com
'Police detector' monitors emergency radio transmissions -- FoxNews.com