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Anytone Unable to enter frequencies that end in .##5 - AnyTone AT- 778UV


Feb 21, 2017
Riverside, CA
I recently got an Anytone AT-778UV. I've noticed that I can't enter any numbers that have 3 digits after the decimal. For example, if I try to enter 462.575, the radio will show 462.570. I can still transmit and receive, but I noticed a lot of noise when I do that. Mostly random 'clicks' like someone is keying the mic, but it never stops. It's to the point where if the person choosing the channel selects a frequency like that, I just don't use the radio and use my portable Baofeng instead.

Is there a way to set it so it recognizes that last digit? Or do I need a different radio?


Oct 20, 2023
Part of your problem is that the AT-778UV is a dual band radio for the 2m and 70cm amateur bands and not for GMRS.

Did you unlock/MARS mod it for GMRS?


Feb 21, 2017
Riverside, CA
Part of your problem is that the AT-778UV is a dual band radio for the 2m and 70cm amateur bands and not for GMRS.

Did you unlock/MARS mod it for GMRS?

That's probably the problem. I didn't know it needed to be unlocked or modded. I bought it because it was recommended for someone that wants to do ham and GMRS. I use it in my Jeep and seems like people are using GMRS more lately.

I searched and looks easy to unlock:

1. Press Function & P4 and switch on
2. Goes into test mode, turn channel selector to channel 43 [mode 3]
3. Press the PTT, 03 changes colour, turn the channel nob till it says 02
4. Release the PTT, switch off the radio, then switch on the radio
again and now you have unlock the rig. [136 to 174Mhz & 400 to 490mhz]


Premium Subscriber
Feb 12, 2023
I think somewhere in the settings you can change the step and get the last digit. I can't remember the details but be on th3 lookout for it while you go through the menus.


Feb 21, 2017
Riverside, CA
I know people use amateur radios for GMRS all of the time BUT it is still not legal to do so. The FCC won't kick doors in or shoot your dogs as long as you aren't acting a fool, causing interference and drawing attention to yourself.

Really nobody cares if it's legal or not. We're usually using simplex to talk to people within 50', so I'm not worried about ending up in a federal prison.

I already have too many electrical accessories in my Jeep. I don't want two radios if it can be avoided. Took out the CB recently because it wasn't being used much.


Oct 20, 2023
Really nobody cares if it's legal or not. We're usually using simplex to talk to people within 50', so I'm not worried about ending up in a federal prison.
Then stick with FRS radios or CB if that's all the farther you are talking.

You bought a radio that is for the amateur bands and then wondered why it wouldn't work on GMRS. No need for the attitude because I pointed a fact out to you.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 12, 2023
I believe the AT-778UV is basically the same as the RT-95. I unlocked my RT-95 and it worked perfect on both 70CM ham and GMRS. The only thing I can't seem to figure out is how to deal with the large spread in the input frequencies between 70CM ham and GMRS repeaters. The OP might really be better off running two different transceivers and two different antennas. I don't use my RT-95 on GMRS, just tried it once to see if it would work but I used a home made J-poll for the GMRS test. The rig is not used mobile and stays hooked up to my Diamond X30A for ham use only.

BTW - I had to unlock my RT-95 to use it in the US as it came locked to the Europe standard and would not TX on the US repeater frequencies.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
The AT-778uv/RT-95 is a pretty good little rig with nice performance for the price. But like any other mass-produced budget-friendly electronics, performance isn't always uniform once modified, and drops off the farther you get from the xmtr specs. I'd estimate 3-7% of the CCRs I play with refuse to perform out of specs. You may just need to try a different one.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 31, 2007
Southwest, IL
I think somewhere in the settings you can change the step and get the last digit. I can't remember the details but be on th3 lookout for it while you go through the menus.
What he's looking for is in 7.2 in the manual. It's called "step size".
BTW - I had to unlock my RT-95 to use it in the US as it came locked to the Europe standard and would not TX on the US repeater frequencies
This might be important even it it was using it for ham usage.
Then stick with FRS radios
If he's only talking 50 feet, and using it for GMRS which I'll "assume he has a license for", then yes, a blister pack radio which will solve all his problems is the answer. NO mounting needing in his Jeep.
Really nobody cares if it's legal or not.
YOU, don't care if it's legit or not. Nobody isn't accurate. While I personally don't care about what you do on FRS/GMRS frequencies, as long as you don't take a radio you know nothing about and put it other places, that's on you. I have no idea what's in your area. 462.575 is repeater output on GMRS frequencies so rest assured if interference is being caused there, someone might care. I've made ham licensed contacts in the UHF bands, and Licensed contacts in GMRS in the 75-100 mile range when the bands open up. You never know what you might be interfering with when a band opening occurs. I use a ham radio for ham, and GMRS type accepted radios for GMRS. Two separate antennas.


Oct 20, 2023
The AT-778uv/RT-95 is a pretty good little rig with nice performance for the price. But like any other mass-produced budget-friendly electronics, performance isn't always uniform once modified, and drops off the farther you get from the xmtr specs. I'd estimate 3-7% of the CCRs I play with refuse to perform out of specs. You may just need to try a different one.
I have compared actual Part 95 certified radios along side amateur band radios that have Benn unlocked and the Part 95 radios usually perform better on GMRS than mot unlocked amateur band radios.

I have a couple of unlocked radios but I still use a dedicated 2m/70cm radio and antenna along side dedicated, and certified, GMRS radio and antenna. I have both at home and in my vehicle.

YOU, don't care if it's legit or not. Nobody isn't accurate. While I personally don't care about what you do on FRS/GMRS frequencies, as long as you don't take a radio you know nothing about and put it other places, that's on you. I have no idea what's in your area. 462.575 is repeater output on GMRS frequencies so rest assured if interference is being caused there, someone might care. I've made ham licensed contacts in the UHF bands, and Licensed contacts in GMRS in the 75-100 mile range when the bands open up. You never know what you might be interfering with when a band opening occurs. I use a ham radio for ham, and GMRS type accepted radios for GMRS. Two separate antennas.
Well said. And yes a person will get unwanted attention if they are interfering with repeaters. I can't speak for all GMRS repeater owners everywhere. But most GMRS repeater owners in my area also own 2m and 70cm amateur repeaters too. And yes they will have fun triangulating the location of someone that is interfering with their repeaters and/or trying to jam them. I know of a couple of clubs that have installed the Kraken systems for just this reason.

As said, use the correct radio for the band/service you are operating on. I've seen some radios that are clean when it comes to spurious emissions on the bands they are designed for but can be a bit dirty when used outside of those bands. And spurious emissions not only cause issues with other bands, they cause issues with consumer electronics too.