CSP Zoning
Due to the way the CSP system is zoned, you may not hear all troops. I live in the Troop C area and can hear troops that are by default, broadcast in this area (H, D, K, E). Since G is a couple troop areas away and cleat across the sate, I cant hear them unless one of the cars around here turns their radio to that channel. The smart zone system will broadcast non-default troops traffic only if a radio in that zone requests it (by tuning it to the channel foe that troop). I have proven this by having my buddy (who is a trooper) tune his car radio to G, Then my radio (Pro 96) came alive with G audio. When he tuned back off the G frequency, my radio when dead to G traffic after some timeout value... I would love to see an official zoning map, and see how the system is programmed. It would explain a lot..