Nice catch!
Even though you can't pick up ssb/cw, what you can do is program a custom search in either AM or FM even though we know it won't work. But what it will do in many instances is start to make your squelch start squawking when there is a strong signal opening. Then you jump over to a rig that does ssb/cw.
Set your squelch as low as you can make it without opening. Program the whole spectrum, or in and around spot frequencies in both am/fm modes and then start scanning.
This "squelch squawker" makes for a cheap band-opening monitor. At least strong enough to break squelch.
Rat-Tail: Try the experiment again, but use a 10 foot long rat-tail attached to the bnc shell and see if there is any improvement. Since you are battery powered from a tiny scanner, all you have as a counterpoise is the dinky circuit-board.
If a long 10 foot rat-tail is cumbersome, you can "linear load" it. That is, run 5 feet out away from the scanner with the wire attached to the shell. Anchor it 5 feet away, and run the rest back towards the scanner, say an inch or three spacing from the wire run, but leave the end of the wire not attached to anything. You could even "center" this technique by running outwards, back towards the scanner and beyond, and then back towards the scanner again - still with the end not connected to anything. Moxon got me into folded counterpoises.
Thanks for sharing that test!