What you're going to have to do is create a new trunked system in Freescan. Create it as a "Mot Type II/P25" system, and give it whatever name you want. Freescan will automatically create a site, which it calls Site 1 by default. Click on Site 1 and then click on the Trunk Frequencies tab, and enter the primary and alternate control channel frequencies of the nearest site, which in your case is the Blomidon site which as you said is 860.2375 (primary) and 860.4875 (alternate). Rename "Site 1" to something more meaningful, like Blomidon. Assign the site a System Quick Key (SQK) so you can turn it on and off using the keypad on your scanner.
Next you'll have to create groups for the talkgroups. Freescan has already created a group, called "TGID Group 1" by default (TGID = Talkgroup ID). In there you'll have to start talkgroup IDs from the database for whatever you want to listen to. Assign Group Quick Keys (GQKs) to the groups if you want to be able to turn them on and off using the keypad on your scanner. A common way to program would be to create separate groups for different agencies, so maybe a group for the RCMP, a group for EHS (Emergency Health Services), etc.
If you want to only listen to that which you've programmed, you will have to change the "ID Mode" from Search to Scan, which you can get to if you click on the system in the left hand column. If it's on Search mode, it will stop on all talkgroups, including those which you have not entered.
Now that that's out of the way, I've put together a no-frills Freescan config file, which is attached (you will need to unzip it)
It has a system created (called NS TMR), with a single site added (Blomidon).
Blomidon is assigned SQK 1
I have created 6 talkgroup groups:
EHS/Hospitals (GQK 2)
Fire (GQK 3)
NS-Misc (miscellaneous provincial talkgroups, GQK 4)
DNR (Department of Natural Resources, GQK 5)
DOT (Department of Transportation, GQK 6)
Have a look at it, see how it's programmed, and expand on it. You may want to add more groups, rearrange things, add some extra talkgroups, remove some of the ones I've added, etc. If you have any questions let me know.