Uniden Repair Service


Premium Subscriber
Aug 28, 2003
St. Louis
Very good job by FedEx. In my case FedEx dropped the ball and took almost a week to deliver to my house after it sat for 5 days at a facility just minutes from me. I am glad you had good service.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
Very good job by FedEx. In my case FedEx dropped the ball and took almost a week to deliver to my house after it sat for 5 days at a facility just minutes from me. I am glad you had good service.
I can't remember having that much of an issue with any shipper and have used them all.

On another note. I had a friend who ironically had a charging issue with his SDS100. He brought it here to test to make sure it wasn't just a charging cable (it wasn't) and when I did a slight wiggle, the charging light would go on and off. He reported issues with his GPS, and had that "pulsating static" sound of a cold solder joint issue, but only when he put it in Nothing to Scan mode and a broken SD card holder. I helped him write up a repair request, requested the J401 cold solder joint to be checked and off it went May 30th or 31st.

He called me yesterday to let me know his scanner arrived Thursday June 13th and the repair slip stated J-401 J-403 and J-404 were all repaired. I only know of J-401, and it appears everything else is working, and in his words "better than it ever was". He travels between Michigan, Illinois and Indiana a lot and has been telling me his GPS wasn't working. After the repairs and a trip to Michigan from Illinois, the GPS is functioning very well in places his scanner was "dead".

He made a good suggestion that I think could be implemented. On the repair form, using a unique bar code to track the scanner through the repair process might be helpful. Neither one of us received any emails or contact as to repair status process. I thought that was a good idea. The repair form could be scanned on arrival, on the bench etc. Prevent some of the problems I read here over the years.