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May 29, 2011
York county Me.
Before I speak my mind on these 2 scanners, remember, its just an opinion. I love my scanners,they just have differences. Uniden close call is horrible, does not pick up ltr users as fast as the 106. It does scan it, but 106 is more sensitive. The 106 searches are a 10! Uniden, gee whiz-what alot of scrolling! Even the 15x is crazy to program a search. They both do great on battery life( energizer rechargeables ). That fire tone out on uniden? What? Why use it? You lose scanning time-though its said to be in the new HOME PATROL for scanning. Outside of Lakes Region in N.H, I dont hear too many tone out to sepparate towns as often as L.R..Maybe Rockingham. The P25 is excellent in both. When an entity goes encrypted, the 106 will blare that noise, while the 396xt doesnt bother to anoy you until its un-encrypted. The 106 favorites is excellent-while the 396xt has 99 scan banks-which would be nice to have. Bank 50 could be the favorites. The 106 program buttons are easy-the 396xt has a few more, including color display. Which makes reading it sometimes difficult. I say throw them both together with a discriminator tap, perfect scanner. Any takers?


Feb 24, 2001

Ok I have em all so :

Get the home patrol if you are unable to program and like neat displays,sensitive but not over sensitive,scans kind of slow,Like yawn slow.Has beeps for fire and police sorting.

Get the 996XT uniden if you want an all around good scanner with decent reception or live in a city.
Less intermod than a GRE,less sensitive than a GRE,scan is middle of the road fast.The 396XT is his cousin for poratble op. Oh yeah cool color displays to indicate this is FIRE or POLICE

Get the GRE or Radio Shack Pro-197 if you need awesome sensitivity and like to search for new frequencies and want it to scan fast The 106 is just his portable cousin,has a LED for FIRE and Police sorting.

I say mold em all together with a signal squelch and a way to mute fire tones and SQUAWKS.


May 29, 2011
York county Me.
Hahaha- oh wow there seems to be ALOT of flaws in uniden, but I must say that when I made my choice to get my 1st scanner,I had NO CLUE about gre or ltr. Now, I am willing to bet $$ I can program 5 entities faster by hand on the pro 106, vs computer progamming ANY scanner. I've just pushed enough buttons to be that good.


May 29, 2011
York county Me.
Just now, I am listenning to a fire dept,on the 396xt at least 50 miles away as the crow flies. Just after it came on with something, an entity that uses straight p25, over rode the fire dept, the thing is, the two are .750 spaced apart. The p25 is about 7 miles away. Thats sensitivity. On some analog systems, it will acknowledge a signal, but you hear static. I mean entities 50 miles away.
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May 29, 2011
York county Me.
1 more flaw-to the pro 106. If a system is within 1-10 miles of your antenna, you have to use the ATTENUATOR. I dont dare turn it on on my 396xt--afraid I will not hear squat. Also, the bct15x- ( example ) ---If you have say, Maine D.O.T, 47.340 with a p[l of 167.9. Now. you got the freq and pl, if the modulation is on auto-the skip will come in on a.m and give you some noise. You have to set it to NFM. Where as the pro 106 will set the modulation as FM. You have to manually program N FM in to it. I found you get a little more sensitivity if you set it to NFM. However, you cannot program NFM into pro 106's searches. Uniden identifies the NFM and shows it. Having 2 big external antennas opems the door to reciave OTHER signals. I mean pagers and radio phones, I got all kinds of interfearing antennas around me-thats what I get for going higher and higher with my ferret and vhf. Both pro106 and uniden have good signal strength meters. The bandscope on Uniden is cool. Lock it onto a freq that sends info to host, take the bandscop down to minimul scope. Minimum mhz step, you can see the PULSE. Thats cool. No use, but cool to watch


May 29, 2011
York county Me.
Noone seems to be LOST when programming a 106...Uniden? ha--aint hard to find. Those instructions are nuts.I figured it out-never having a Uniden before. G.R.E has alot of lost programmers. The 106 is so easy to edit-its hard not to move items..-thus v-scanners..No problem


May 29, 2011
York county Me.
Another problem--noone-- can fixthat being scanning an entity that uses a mix of dispatcher is analog, cop is digital. The only way to monitor it on the 106 is,,put the freq in twice. 1 will have the pl, and the other is digital.Nac.. If you put both in 1 scanlist, and noone else-you set delay to 0. Other wise between analog conversation, goin to digital-theres a chance someone else will talk..Take you from pd to dpw real quick. The Uniden 396xt scanning the same system will not have an easier time. Sure you can set the squelch off to compinsate-butit also takes too long in my book to realize the transmission has changed. Analog to digital. Or you can have 2 scannersfor 1 entity. I got 2 pd's that play that game.
Any scanner you take the delay away-you stll lose a piece of transmission. When youre on the pl channel-you hear that digital sound kicking in.. Am I wrong?


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Ok I have em all so :

Get the home patrol if you are unable to program and like neat displays,sensitive but not over sensitive,scans kind of slow,Like yawn slow.Has beeps for fire and police sorting.

Get the 996XT uniden if you want an all around good scanner with decent reception or live in a city.
Less intermod than a GRE,less sensitive than a GRE,scan is middle of the road fast.The 396XT is his cousin for poratble op. Oh yeah cool color displays to indicate this is FIRE or POLICE

Get the GRE or Radio Shack Pro-197 if you need awesome sensitivity and like to search for new frequencies and want it to scan fast The 106 is just his portable cousin,has a LED for FIRE and Police sorting.

I say mold em all together with a signal squelch and a way to mute fire tones and SQUAWKS.

I use the "cool" speaker to determine if something is fire or police.

The real answer is it depends on what you're needing to do. The HomePatrol is all-around outstanding but largely misunderstood by people who have an expectation that their scanner has a certain shape, has a physical keypad, and has numbers that race across the screen for every channel you're scanning. The HP is not slow; it might appear that way if all you watch is the system line (which changes much slower than the frequencies do on a "regular" scanner). The recording capabilities alone make this an awesome radio, but add in the analysis features (trunk analyzer, band scope, LCN sorter, etc) and it lands at the top of the heap.

The Uniden 996XT/396XT radios have a lot going for them, and a few things that are lacking too. You can program large trunk systems that have dozens of sites, and have GPS connected to allow the scanner to switch these sites (or other systems) on and off as necessary. On the other hand, the Uniden scanners will tune in to a trunk control channel if it can hear it, regardless if it's the strongest one near to you. This results in oftentimes getting weak, scratchy audio when your radio locks on to a distant tower. There's also the problems with simulcast systems, which look to be cleared up soon according to the firmware announcement that's been uncovered recently.

GRE radios (including those made with different names for Radio Shack) use a completely different method to load the data into them, going with the "object oriented programming" where every item in the scanner is an object whether it's a frequency, a talkgroup, or a system definition. Each one of these is able to be "tagged" into a scan list, meaning that instead of having a scanlist that has an entire system in it like you would the Uniden radio, you can have a scanlist that has portions of multiple systems (various talkgroups only), conventional frequencies, search ranges, etc., all in one segregated group. GRE also seems to do multi-site trunking better, gauging the strongest site you can receive and internally managing it. However, GRE radios can only take 32 frequencies in their trunk system definitions, period - so for those of us who want to monitor large trunk systems that have more than 32 unique frequencies across the system, these radios aren't ideal. GRE also reportedly has a better decode on P25 comms (quicker to decode) and can display P25 conventional data (like talkgroups and radio IDs) without having to make quasi-trunk systems like the Uniden radios do. For those of us who do a lot of trunk system analysis, the on-screen analysis on the GRE radios is limited, and both GRE and Uniden radios have documented problems with their decoding capabilities overall (but in general do fairly well).

So as I said, each radio has its positives and negatives, and it really depends on what you're looking to do to determine what you think is best. I have quite a few scanners: The HomePatrol is running at the top of the stack doing regular "scanner" duty; the PSR-600 (PRO-197 cousin) is beneath it doing control channel analysis of the local P25 system; a beat-up old Uniden BC796D is beneath that feeding 144.390 into my computer for ham APRS duty, and the BCD996T (with a BCD996XT on the way to replace it) is below that doing some other logging of that same local P25 system.


May 29, 2011
York county Me.
I see another Uniden lover, J-K... Well sir, as far as trunk systems to monitor site to site, I saw the option, as well as gps. I will have to take your word on that 1. The only trunk systems I got here to scan is the 935 Mo:systems. Then theres the ltr's,800's ( cmp )..So I cant say a thing about it-although when the airwaves do open up-I hear Mass A-H C trunks. I always wonderred how you guys-I mean people who have the systems- how you scanned those. On the 106-I see you can change the Alpha tag number. 1 setting , it would be 432, the next setting-A86N something like that. Good part though, on 106's behalf/it really does trunktrack!!! Love it!.. 106's V-scanner op is the cats - well, it's great!


May 29, 2011
York county Me.
I dare not use the pro name at programming the 106's.. My ignence has lead to a scanner I didnt even knew I had. Right there in front of me and I mistakingly called it a pro 106. Well, its not. Its a pro 197. I thought it was reffered to as a 106-desktop model. Just goes to show-if you dont see a nametag on something, you assume it belongs in a certain catagory. Still an awesome scanner-just different name. I'd like to meet the people that come up with these names.At least I got the cloning down-perfect..


May 29, 2011
York county Me.
II mentioned it once ,but you gotta give credit where it is due. The Uniden does not let you hear the encryption-aka noise. It will stop there-show a signal and keep quiet. 106 blares it


Oct 11, 2012
Beaumont, Texas
I've had my "used" RadioShack Pro-2096 since October of 2012, and have had no problems with it's operation. I plan on getting the RadioShack Pro-197 soon. I've talked to a few people with the Uniden scanners, and one has had one to be delivered DOA...

I prefer RadioShack!!!
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May 29, 2011
York county Me.
Thats the way guy. Youve read this and made the -correct- decion. Be honest-the only reason I have the 396xt and 15x is they were shoved in my face when I happen to have the bread. Matter of fact-after I got tired of them-I got the pro 197, re-activated the pro 83, ( which has a better close call function ) You wont find the pro 83 out of date with 95% of Maine thats on analog repeater. Same with N.H D.O.T...most fire dept's...


May 3, 2008
Castle Rock, Co.
Jay911 sorry for the brown nose that is about to be posted buuut, that my friend is one of the best thread reply's that I have read in a long time. Well done.


May 29, 2011
York county Me.
O.K, blessing aside, the 396xt is easy to re-program. I havent touched mine in 2 years for programming. Been focussing on radio shacks scanners durring this time of re-banding and new freqs. I just looked at my bank,sub bank. Oh boy, I got some buttons to push.. The good part about editting the freqs is-its easy to do. You dont have to push program/edit/conv/ as with the 106.


May 29, 2011
York county Me.
Another problem with the 396xt-certain searches produce nothing at all-no birdie freqs,nothing. I mean 150--162..935--940 40-50. The bct15x gets -nailed- by everything when vhf searching. Yes I played with the 396xt p25 search nfm or auto modulation, set the 7.5 steps. You have to tell the 396xt --every thing,almost hold its hand.--.. Still a good scanner


Jan 29, 2008
San Francisco, California bay area
All I know is having both brands of scanners Uniden has the worst customer service. I don't know if that has changed. RS has much better customer service when you need to send scanner in for any type of work.
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