BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Mobile app to program Uniden BCD325P2


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
Make sure you read my previous post #19 first. Please let me know if you need help installing the driver. Since you were able to run FreeSCAN, I went ahead and created a FreeSCAN file for you to program your scanner. There are a trunked and a conventional system. The VIPER trunked system has 3 sites in Sampson County. It looks like the closest site to you is Salemburg. Pressing 1 on the scanner keypad will toggle the Newton Grove site on and off. Pressing 2 will toggle the Salemburg site on and off. Pressing 3 will toggle the Taylors Bridge site on and off. If all 3 sites are off, the trunked system is off. A trunked system needs at least one site to function. Pressing 4 will toggle the conventional system on and off. The trunked and conventional systems have group quick keys to select what you want to monitor. I am attaching 2 files. The zipped file is your FreeSCAN programming file. The PDF file will answer all of your questions about using quick keys. Print it out and save it for your reference. Save the attached zipped file to your computer and extract. Go to the File tab in FreeSCAN and open the extracted file. Connect your computer and scanner with the programming cable. Go to the Scanner tab and click on Upload Programming. Click on All to select both systems. Select Erase All Systems & Settings (In red). Click on Start Upload. When upload is completed, click on Close. Quick keys as follows:

Sampson Co Trunk
1. VIPER Newton Grv (Site)
2. VIPER Salemburg (Site)
3. VIPER TaylorBrdg (Site)
1. State Events
1. State Interop
2. State Emerg Mgmt
2. Prep & Readiness
3. State Natl Guard
3. Helo&Aqua Rescue
3. Civil Air Patrol
4. State Forest Svc
4. Wildlife Resourc
5. NC Dept Transprt
6. SampCo Interop
7. SampCo Emerg Ops
7. SampCo Fire/EMS
8. SampCo EMS/Hosp
9. SampCo Sheriff
9. Clinton Police
9. NC St Hwy Patrol
Sampson Co Conv
4. Sampson Co Conv
1. SampCo Services
2. SampCo Fire/EMS
3. SampCo Sheriff
4. Clinton Police
5. Amateur Radio


  • Sampson Co NC FS.zip
    4.8 KB · Views: 6
  • Uniden Scanner Quick Key Instructions DMA.pdf
    14.4 KB · Views: 5
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