Did anybody pick up any new TG during the winter storm? I heard 16601 (which is not in database) and one side ID themselves as Poinsett 2. I don't know if it was OEM or SO. Maybe their SO is about to get on AWIN?
Did anybody pick up any new TG during the winter storm? I heard 16601 (which is not in database) and one side ID themselves as Poinsett 2. I don't know if it was OEM or SO. Maybe their SO is about to get on AWIN?
Did anybody pick up any new TG during the winter storm? I heard 16601 (which is not in database) and one side ID themselves as Poinsett 2. I don't know if it was OEM or SO. Maybe their SO is about to get on AWIN?
When the tornadoes ripped thru Crittenden Co. in 2008 their OEM was using TGID 20201, and I presently hear the SO on there as well - especially in Turrell - doing undercover operations / surveillance. The SO units are all 600's just like normal.
Do other units reply to his transmissions or just dispatch? He may have his set to rx clear tx encrypted. This is the case with a lot of other set ups both on digital systems and analog. Example... Lincoln County MS- L-1 the sheriff, used to have his radios set to TX enc full time, RX clear. All other units had full clear both sides, and dispatch had set for clear with RX able to get clear and enc. They run analog conventional. There are many other examples where some systems dispatch clear and units are full enc.
You are correct. I hear them regularly either doing surveillance (in Lake Shore trailer park a lot of the time) or when the conventional frequencies are real busy, just to communicate without walking all over each other.
And, now that you mention it, I do hear one side encrypted and the reply is in the clear on Cross Co.
The first time I heard it I thought it was my radio not decoding the P25 signal. The more I listened I figured out what was up and who it was. This was back when they had a week long search operation at Village Creek looking for that guy that drowned in Lake Austell......never did find him.
Lake Shore.....ah, the arm pit of Crittenden Co.!!
Did you hear the stolen church bus chase that ended up in Earle? Lotsa SO traffic on AWIN - had conventional net directed for a while too.
About 5 - 6 pm one weeknight, 2 or 3 weeks ago......ended up being a foot chase / manhunt. I got out of range before it was over so I don't know the outcome.
Crittenden SO only uses the conventional for interop with with non AWIN agencies, and as an backup. They are AWIN now.
The conventional CritCo SO frequencies are very much active. They use AWIN sparingly right now. As bubbaearle has referred to, surveillance and such is the primary use for the AWIN channel.I listen to and from work and have not noticed SO totally on AWIN. I heard traffic this morning on their conventional channel.
gray6077, what about you - still hearing SO on conventional?
As far as the encryption goes, all routine traffic ought to be in the clear. Taxpayer pay their salary - we ought to be able to listen to what we pay for. Anything less would make it seem like they're hiding something.
As far as the encryption goes, all routine traffic ought to be in the clear. Taxpayer pay their salary - we ought to be able to listen to what we pay for. Anything less would make it seem like they're hiding something.