unitrunker native RTL2832U support questions

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Sep 16, 2012
I have two RTL2838U's and the control channel works but the voice does not. I have win 8.1 64bit. Its acting like the gain setting on the voice side isn't working. Will this not work at all with the 2832U or am I missing something? The voice channel will switch freq but the audio is not there. Its much like when I turn all the gain off in HDSDR. Any hints would be appreciated. Cheers!


Jan 12, 2010
Oklahoma City, OK
Unitrunker is controlling my 820T, following an EDACS ProVoice system, still using one instance of SDR # to feed control channel data from my E4000. Wow, what a difference! Much less CPU intensive than using two instances of SDR # with the trunker plugin.


Jul 27, 2011
I for one had no problem firing up Unitrunker with two sticks on Win7 64bit pro and a laptop!! I want to really thank whoever has been developing this program! It is amazing, It has been about 20 years since the last time I ran a trunker program on the PC....with a pro-34/slicer & Opto456-pro2006 about 20 years ago. The new trunking radios kinda killed that aspect of the hobby for me. Since I got a few of these sticks to do ADB-S I decided to see what else they can do. I was pleasantly surprised to have no trouble with flex, poscag, acars and now trunking with following on a second stick. I think I'll buy a real SDR. These things are amazing. $7 from China. hahaha! So glad I bought one on a whim. I think back to the pro-2006 and OS456 along with all the other radios I've had through the years and can't help but wonder what we will have in 20 more years.

Anyway. Good luck all. It works. I'll swear to it.


Jul 27, 2011
Unitrunker is controlling my 820T, following an EDACS ProVoice system, still using one instance of SDR # to feed control channel data from my E4000. Wow, what a difference! Much less CPU intensive than using two instances of SDR # with the trunker plugin.

As a matter of fact I also have the control channel stick running under SDR# and piping the audio to Unitrunker as a receiver defined as discriminator. Works really well.


Feb 22, 2014
Just got my second dongle, and I am experiencing the exact same problem that you did. How did you get it working?


I can help since I have had success. 2 NooElec RTL Dongles 1 UniTrunker - YouTube is a demonstration to help verify both my dongles working in Unitrunker.

FIRST thing Unitrunker supports the dongles with the R820T chip!!!!! NO NEED FOR ANY ADDITIONAL DLL FILES! Unitrunker works through zadig driver!!!

In Unitrunker main window there are tabs at the bottom Press OPTIONS then look in the list of OPTIONS for LISTEN will be in a gray bar. Put a "X" in the box next to LISTEN Unitrunker always auto saves and there are no "APPLY" buttons for everything.Pressing Enter works to.

Edit: while you are in OPTIONS scroll down to Unitrunker put a "X" in the box next to AutoSave plus provide the path to Unitrunker's install folder for example
C:\Program Files\UniTrunker. (for 64 bit windows C:\Program Files (x86)\UniTrunker.)

Add a signal radio and a voice radio in Unitrunker main window select RTL2832U for each. For each radio window you have to choose the RTL Device. For example:for signal: RTL Device: Bulkin Interface (Interface 0) 000000001
for voice radio RTL Device: Bulkin Interface (Interface 0) 5&2AB9.........

Now have to do is enter a active control frequency and ppm correction. PPM correction will be same as SDR# or HDSDR.This goes into the Signal radio.

In the voice radio enter the PPM correction as well. Each dongle has a different PPM correction. Get into the habit of leaving both radios going at once. Periodically check the oscilloscope to see if it is drifting to low Some will say let both dongles warm up a few minutes to get to stable operating temperature then enter PPM. Once set you can usually just walk away from it for hours and come back to still hear transmissions.

Park the voice radio to frequency 0.00000

Press PLAY (will look like cd player PLAY button) on both radios.

Be sure to mute the signal radio so it wont annoy you AFTER the SITE window pops up. There should be green bars. Make sure you have plenty of green bars. Usually half or more will decode ok. (I seen it decode with 2 red bars but then it was time to redo the ppm correction because my RTL micro had warmed up more.)

Go to RR database and get the RR site numbers. Provide your login details to unitrunker so it can download the database. It works awesome! You may have to upgrade your account first here at RR. It is the best!

Hope this helps you get started, More people may come and add to this.
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Feb 22, 2014
Thank you screamin72 for your help. I solved my problem; here is a summary in case it helps anyone else:

I was experiencing the same problem as jimlg: first dongle would work, second dongle would not. After further troubleshooting, I determined that it was actually a power issue. I had both dongles plugged into an unpowered USB hub. Either dongle would work, but not both at the same time. After I added AC power to the hub, both dongles started working together.

It is now working, but I am having a difficult time getting as clear a P25 voice decode as I did with SDR#. The audio volume going from Unitrunker to DSD+ is much too high, and I can find no way to turn it down. I used "AF Gain" in SDR#, but can't find anything like this in Unitrunker. The volume control in VB-Audio Cable has no effect.


Apr 8, 2007
Thanks for the info. screamer72. Why are you using the NooElec Nano for the signal receiver and not a second Mini dongle as you use for the voice receiver?

Is there an advantage in using the Nano over using two Mini dongles?


Feb 24, 2001
having a difficult time getting as clear a P25 voice decode as I did with SDR#. The audio volume going from Unitrunker to DSD+ is much too high, and I can find no way to turn it down. I used "AF Gain" in SDR#, but can't find anything like this in Unitrunker.
That's surprising. The audio piped out of Unitrunker is normalized. No volume adjustments should be necessary (which is why there's no adjustment). I'm hearing mixed reports with Unitrunker audio piped through DSD+ - some good, some bad.

You may be on to something. I'll do some experiments.


Feb 22, 2014
Thank you for your reply, Unitrunker. Unitrunker (the app) pipes audio at about 90% to DSD+, giving me a poor voice decode. I switched back to SDR# (which I have adjusted to pipe audio at about 20%) and I am getting a nearly perfect voice decode again. I think adding a volume control would be beneficial.


Thanks for the info. screamer72. Why are you using the NooElec Nano for the signal receiver and not a second Mini dongle as you use for the voice receiver?

Is there an advantage in using the Nano over using two Mini dongles?

I was trying it out. It is actually the NooElec Nano I called it a micro which was wrong of me.I have another mini on the way. When I receive the mini it will replace the nano. Nano's have a drift problem when they warm up.When they stabilize they run well.Other than that no comparison between Nano and Mini. Same chips. Just size.:wink:
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