System: BEE00.966
NAC: 960
Freq: 173.587.8-ish
Location received: East Central Indiana.
Anyone familiar with this system or frequency? For about an hour this site was just below the threshold of being able to be decoded by SDR#/DSD+. At the same time I was seeing this site, I was listening to Chicago PD UHF. Chicago PD faded away first, then 20 minutes or so later this site faded a bit as well. This system/site may be in the Chicago-land area. Also, FWIW, all day Saturday I was seeing WISCOM 139Mhz sites on SDR#, but didn't have enough signal to decode them; similar to how this 173Mhz site is acting. Unfortunately, my typical DX range is Wisconsin, to Missouri, to western VA, to Detroit, MI. I presume since I've been receiving to the northwest for the past 18 hours that this system will be northwest of me as well.