Several reasons. Firstly: I got hooked on monitoring it when I was living in a teeny lil town called Crystal Springs, MS, and got really interested once I had a scanner that would really let me dig into it in a even smaller dot on a map called Union Church, MS. Needless to say, that system, the Jackson, MS EDACS, and LOTS of conventional info I gathered, confirmed, and etc got me a spot as an admin here. A few years later, I got into seeing what makes the whole strange Entergy System tic.... That led to a lot of headaches, but a LOT of excellent info on how the whole shebang was done. A couple of years ago, the admin team was debating/discussing how to deal with "interesting" statewide, & multi-state trs's.... And a couple of us are a tad "in the know" on a few of the bigger systems and kinda adopted certian systems we knew details on. I dug my claws into the Entergy system. Got info on its actually 3 with the SAME SysID's, a LOT of the SAME TGID's just variations of usage in each TRS, with even a very few that are identical usage on all 3! It was one of the very first very large Motorola SmartZONE systems set up in the USA, 4 nearly statewide TRS's to begin with. Never linked fully, and knocked down to 3 over the years. Even when the OmniLink technology came around, they didn't link them. Even with the upgrades from the earliest ASTRO Widepulse, to the last of the Legacy ASTRO updates, they never joined them. (Possibly due to some kind of anti trust legislation somewhere, or maybe they just didn't want to spend the $$$?) Anyway I took full responsibility of redoing the entire Entergy systems in the DB, and got a LOT of it done, but have had irl issues that have put me WAY behind on working it up. Anyway on my "bucket list" for the systems are the following: Find another nutcase like me that actually has LOTS of time and the $$$ to do scan driving hopefully with one of the newest generation scanners and get the full GPS, Site Numbering, Connect Tones, Site Nieghbor Lists, for as many sites on all 3 systems as possible. That will help me to nail down each Zone on the system, as each is defined by CT's, instead of the SysID/ZoneID Coding that almost ALL other SmartZone systems are set up with.... Second would be a fresh inside source as both my original info guys are retired, and one dead. Third would be good info on when the switch to iether P25, or TRBO will happen since the systems truly are now at EOL.
A couple of educated guesses tell me that within 3 to 5 years tops they will go iether P25, or TRBO and link them all. Anyway... Now you know.