Upman New bcd396t user

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Apr 18, 2009
Hello everybody

I'm new to RR family with a few questions for upman.

I purchase my scanner seven months ago. I have update the scanner with the latest update available in the uniden website. My first question will be

Why was the checksum, and esn update so important? I got confused with the explanation give. Here is a copy I found. I'm confuss is there going to be any paid updates?

My second question is

If the BCD396XT has little or no motorboating in the digital frequencies. Can an update to be made using the BCD396XT digital settings for the BCD396T scanner? If no why?

Before any member comes out and ask if I have adjusted the p25 settings yes I have. I have played with the threshold, P25 waiting time, P25 adjust mode, and the p25 adjust level. And i still get alot of motorboating. When I found out that the PRO-106 was on sale for christmas I went and brought one. I thought it would also be motorboating alot to my surprise it was recieving the digital frequencies loud and clear. I mostly monitor TX DPS frequencies.

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Updates are Coming


Not formatted as nicely as the email, but here is the official pre-announcement announcement. It really contains everything I can say at this time, but feel free to discuss it amongst yourselves.

March 3, 2008
Change is In the Wind

In This Issue

Why am I Getting This Newsletter?
Updates are Coming!
What’s Next?
Thanks for Being There!
Why am I Getting this Newsletter?

Great question, and I can answer that two ways:
First, when you registered your scanner, you “opted in” to receive important information about firmware updates. This opt in isn’t used for any other reason (in fact, this is the first time I’ve taken you up on your offer). To stop getting updates like this one (or if you know someone who wants to start getting these), just log in at My Uniden, select Edit My User Accountfrom the menu on the right side of the page, and uncheck (or check) the box at the bottom of that page.
If you meant “Why am I Getting this Newsletter now?” the simple answer is:
Updates are Coming!

That’s right, updates are on the way for your scanner. Here is an advanced peek at some of the major improvements we’ve been working on:
Improved decoding on P25 Multipacket Systems – OK, all you guys on the Virginia STARS system (and others), this is one I know you have been chomping at the bit for…and I wish I could hand it to you today, but we’ve just a bit more to go on it. Have just a little more patience…I’m sure you will agree that it was worth the wait. Our testers in Virginia and elsewhere confirm that the scanners now perform near flawlessly on these systems.

<LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-list: l8 level1 lfo12; tab-stops: list 36.0pt">Improved P25 Baseband decoding – this will improve the digital decoding quality on all P25 channels…those on P25 systems, Motorola Type II systems, and conventional channels. The challenge that “the other guys” sound better on digital than we do was taken to heart…and I think you’ll like what you hear. <LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-list: l8 level1 lfo12; tab-stops: list 36.0pt">Much less BRAAAAP! Digital noise is virtually eliminated on the BCD996T and greatly reduced on the BCD396T. Why the difference? The architecture of the BCD996T (especially the digital/analog/both option for channels) lets us do some things that we can’t quite fit into the BCD396T. But testers on both models report that their ears are much, much happier, now. <LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-list: l8 level1 lfo12; tab-stops: list 36.0pt">No more beeping! That’s right, EDACS beeps on well-received systems should be a thing of the past after this update. <LI class=MsoNormal style="mso-list: l8 level1 lfo12; tab-stops: list 36.0pt">Improved auto-threshold adjustment. I should say “no threshold adjustment” because we’ve taken it all auto. The settings remain in the menus to maintain compatibility with UASD and the other great software out there, but the setting itself is just a placeholder now.
Finally, and I know that this has really bugged at least one of you, when you resume from holding on a channel with the BCD396T, the scanner will now start from the next channel, not back to the first.
What’s Next?

Well, before we can roll out those great improvements, we need to finish testing and put the finishing touches on some pesky details. Meanwhile, there are a couple of things you’ll need to do to get your scanner ready for this update. These updates should be available on My Uniden in the next week or so (I’ll send you a quick note when we add them to the site).
Update BC_VUP to Version 2

Soon, you’ll find a new version of the BearCat Version Updater on our web site. Installing this new version will automatically remove the old version. When you run it, you’ll notice a new option to enter a Registration Key. You can ignore that, for now (more on this in a later UPDate).

Update your BCD996T’s Firmware

New firmware will soon be added to the My Downloads area. You use the standard firmware updater (BC_VUP) to apply this update to your scanner.

This update brings your scanner up to date on all updates prior to the upcoming Version 2 update. It also changes the scanner to display both the ESN (electronic serial number) and the ESN checksum when you go to the “See Firmware Version” menu.
Update your BCD396T’s Firmware

We’ll add a new update to the My Downloads area in a couple of weeks. This update is applied using a special one-time tool called “ESN Loader.” In addition to bringing your BCD396T up to the latest firmware version, it adds an ESN and ESN checksum to your scanner. Once the update completes, you will find the ESN and ESN checksum on the “See Firmware Version” menu in your scanner.

Update your Registration on My Uniden

The registration area for your scanner will soon include a place to put both the ESN and the ESN Checksum for your BCD396T or BCD996T.The web site will not accept the numbers if they are not valid. It is very important that we have an accurate ESN for future updates, so take a moment to update your records, as soon as you apply the above updates.

Why Do We Need Your ESN?

As we create new firmware loads for your scanner, we sometimes use information licensed to us by third parties. For those updates, we need to keep careful track of which scanners do and don’t include the update. We might also need to charge for some of these updates in the future, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure that any for-pay update has features you’ll be glad to pay for. Oh, and this first major update is free!
To manage this process, we are setting up a system that will create a registration key for any major update we come out with (a major update changes the first digit of the firmware version…right now we are still in Version 1, but Version 2 is on the horizon and I can almost glimpse a Version 3).
Since the registration key will be generated from your scanner’s ESN, and will be unique for every scanner, getting your ESN right is critical for making your update work (if you use a key for another scanner or don’t enter a key, your scanner will not work until you successfully apply the update with the key).
Thanks for Being There!

Well, I’m told that this update is already too long to be called “brief”, but I couldn’t close without thanking you for your business, input, and support. Your feedback is critical to our success. If you have a question, feel free to ask me: I can be found lurking the boards at RadioReference and also on the BCD996T and BCD396T and other Yahoo! Groups for Uniden products. I recommend you ask all your questions in the public forums…many times other folks have the answer and can help you out before I get around to checking out those boards (and they sometimes have a better answer than I can come up with).
Look for these updates in the next few weeks. I’ll send you another quick note when they arrive, along with detailed instructions for applying the updates to your scanners.
Paul Opitz
Product Manager
Uniden America Corp.

No statement contained in this message may be construed as a guarantee of performance.

All update details are subject to change prior to release.

All company and product names may be the trademarks of their respective owners. © 2008. All rights reserved.



Jun 8, 2006
No paid updates will be done. I would like for upman to answer why the ESN Checksum update was done. For the digital update we are out of lack the BCD396T is now being discontinue from the scanner market. Now the only option we have is to buy the new radio(bcd396xt).The users of this radio have reported no or little motorboating and better reception.


Jun 8, 2006
I have ask this question and other members have answered what update do you want done when the BCD396XT does everything fine. This is according to other members not upman(Paul Ortiz) or Uniden. But now that the BCD396XT is out are there going to be any more free or paid updates in the future? Rdale what would you ask for in an update for the bcd396t?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2008
Toronto Canada
I think the checksum was a way that Uniden was going to go (paid updates) but it didnt happen. So in the end it turned out to be just a test platform. They were probably told (by a consultant) to release a new model, you'll make more money that way rather then updating an older scanner.

Also getting everyone to register gets people familiar with Uniden's website (in case future scanners use this), increases traffic/hits for the Uniden website/store (smart thinking).

I personally dont think there will be any more 396T updates (unless there is a major problem ro be solved). I say that because im sure any work that is being done will be for the 396XT, and beyond


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
I say that because im sure any work that is being done will be for the 396XT, and beyond

Using that philosophy doesn't explain why they issued firmware updates for scanners they no longer sell just a few months ago...


Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2008
Vista, CA
Using that philosophy doesn't explain why they issued firmware updates for scanners they no longer sell just a few months ago...

Updating usually fixes problems and it doesn't usually add features. If there aren't any issues that need fixing ... ???


Dec 19, 2002
The BC-246T was a 2004 introduction. Uniden recently released a free update to permit it to scan rebanded systems. I think that's pretty good product support. Paul Optiz, UPman here, has posted that there are electronic differences in the design of the classic and XT versions of the 396. Unless you want to assume he's lying, presumably they can't do a free firmware update to make the classic perform the same as the XT.


Apr 18, 2009
I'm still confused why was the esn checksum done in the first place? I think they (uniden) was working on the BCD396XT when they released this update to see if it worked on the BCD396T. So they could applied to the new scanner. On the digital side after doing all the updates I still get alot of motorboating. I have move the digital setting with no success. I'm I the only one having this problem with motorboating on the digital frequencies. All of the other frequencies work great. I hope they do an update to fix the motorboating problem. The only thing confirmed is that BCD396T is discontinued. But can someone confirm if the last update is the last update they will release?


Apr 18, 2009
My friend just called me to unvite me to his house to compare his new BCD396XT with my BCD396XT. I will let you know how it went. He has the PRO-106 and the pro-197, but he wanted something smaller so I told him about the new BCD396XT a week ago and today he received it.


Apr 30, 2006
Milwaukee, WI
I'm still confused why was the esn checksum done in the first place?

Seems to me that it was explained pretty well in the first post in this thread under "Why Do We Need Your ESN?" They needed to know how many scanners were updated with a particular update and therefore created a system that would prevent one user from sharing the upgrade with someone else without their being able to account for the second installation. Sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me. And since you don't upgrade very often, a minimal extra step to take for what have, so far, been free upgrades.

And as for all the speculation about whether there will or will not be upgrades, there hasn't been a single post in this thread that was anything more than speculation on that issue. We will know the answer either when an upgrade is announced or when Uniden announces that there will be no more upgrades. Until then, it's all just guesswork. Some of you are right and some of you are wrong--we just don't know which is which at this time.



Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
I think Dick hit the nail on the head, but unless there is a reason to fix a problem, I think your going to need to look at the 396XT as the current model with new features.


Apr 18, 2009
I think Dick hit the nail on the head, but unless there is a reason to fix a problem, I think your going to need to look at the 396XT as the current model with new features.

My friend radio the BCD396XT and my Pro-106 out performed my BCD396XT in the TX DPS digital frequencies. The other thing that I like about the BCD396XT and the BCD396T is that they have auto mute and the Pro-106 doesn't. What is the name of this feature? But overall the BCD396XT out performed my BCD396T in digital only in all other frequencies they where rec eiving almost at the same time. If i'm going to buy a new radio it would be the BCD396XT because of it size and the display colors, and the new features that some have called useless are great even if I don't use them their great to have if you have to travel.


Apr 18, 2009
Seems to me that it was explained pretty well in the first post in this thread under "Why Do We Need Your ESN?" They needed to know how many scanners were updated with a particular update and therefore created a system that would prevent one user from sharing the upgrade with someone else without their being able to account for the second installation. Sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me. And since you don't upgrade very often, a minimal extra step to take for what have, so far, been free upgrades.

And as for all the speculation about whether there will or will not be upgrades, there hasn't been a single post in this thread that was anything more than speculation on that issue. We will know the answer either when an upgrade is announced or when Uniden announces that there will be no more upgrades. Until then, it's all just guesswork. Some of you are right and some of you are wrong--we just don't know which is which at this time.



So if someone tells me no more upgrades for the BCD396T then their not telling the truth unless it comes from Paul Ortiz (Upman here) or uniden.
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