Utah Radio Scanning Group

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Jun 21, 2005
North Muskegon, MI
Hey all I made a logo for the group:

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Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2008
Lehi, UT
I have tinkered but that is about all. You may use the logo :) Good to see we may even get a webpage going !

Well, it might be better to simply set up a mediawiki site. This way everyone can edit/contribute. It would be easy to dump all the talkgroups/systems/frequencies in to wiki pages, and then everyone can help contribute to it. It would be trivial to add sections for amateur radio as well.

Is anyone interested in meeting some place in January? We need a place and a time. Does someone work for a company that would let us use a conference room some night? What days are good? I'm thinking a set day every month. Like, every third Thursday, which would put it on January 15th. Is 7:30pm a good time for everyone? The first meeting would probably be just a meet & greet. Bring your radios, show them off, and we can discuss the group.

At first I'd imagine it would be a very small group. Probably less than 10 people.


Jun 21, 2005
North Muskegon, MI
Well, it might be better to simply set up a mediawiki site. This way everyone can edit/contribute. It would be easy to dump all the talkgroups/systems/frequencies in to wiki pages, and then everyone can help contribute to it. It would be trivial to add sections for amateur radio as well.

Is anyone interested in meeting some place in January? We need a place and a time. Does someone work for a company that would let us use a conference room some night? What days are good? I'm thinking a set day every month. Like, every third Thursday, which would put it on January 15th. Is 7:30pm a good time for everyone? The first meeting would probably be just a meet & greet. Bring your radios, show them off, and we can discuss the group.

At first I'd imagine it would be a very small group. Probably less than 10 people.

Great to see you really jumping in :)

We have had a few in person meets over the last year. Our last was in December for a Christmas party. We had the best turn out yet. We have a ongoing invite to the radio room at the Magna Bishops warehouse thanx to W7SAR SO far we have had them on Saturday mornings, but we are open to change if that fits most people.

One meeting idea for this year is a tour the Commuterlink TOC (Traffic Operations Center) they do allow tours we would have to schedule it and have a grou of at least 10


Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2008
Lehi, UT
We have a ongoing invite to the radio room at the Magna Bishops warehouse thanx to W7SAR SO far we have had them on Saturday mornings, but we are open to change if that fits most people.

One meeting idea for this year is a tour the Commuterlink TOC (Traffic Operations Center) they do allow tours we would have to schedule it and have a grou of at least 10

What is the Magna Bishops warehouse?

I think a tour of the Commuterlink TOC would be awesome. Here is what they say on their site:

UDOT offers free tours of the Traffic Operations Center by appointment.

Tours include a visit to the electronics laboratory where we explain how traffic signals work and to the control room with views of the traffic camera displays.

Our operators will demonstrate the software that remotely controls the cameras and the electronic signs on the freeway and explain the computerized traffic signal system.

Tours last approximately 45 minutes and may be of interest to scout groups, church youth groups, and school or business groups with an interest in technology or traffic safety.

Tours are usually given during normal working hours Monday through Thursday, but may be given in the early evening 6 PM to 7 PM upon request.

To schedule a tour, please call UDOT at 801-887-3710.

I wonder if there is anyone reading this forum that has some inside information, or has been to this facility before. If it would be possible to arrange a meeting with someone responsible for wireless communications for UDOT, for example, that could be quite interesting. We aren't a scout group, we are a bunch of adults interested in radio communications and public saftey. I wonder if it would be possible to get a tour catered more toward a group like ours.


Jun 21, 2005
North Muskegon, MI
Replies in bold
What is the Magna Bishops warehouse?

It is a food center for the LDS church. Theu also have Emergency Radio that use ham radio. At the warehouse in Magna they have a veryu nice set up, a large enough room for 10-15 of us. In the past it has worked great

I think a tour of the Commuterlink TOC would be awesome. Here is what they say on their site:

I wonder if there is anyone reading this forum that has some inside information, or has been to this facility before. If it would be possible to arrange a meeting with someone responsible for wireless communications for UDOT, for example, that could be quite interesting. We aren't a scout group, we are a bunch of adults interested in radio communications and public saftey. I wonder if it would be possible to get a tour catered more toward a group like ours.

I have contacted them awhile back. They do prefer it to be 10 or more to set up the tour. If we get some more people and figure a month to go I can call and ask some more questions.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2007
The Magna Bishops' Storehouse is a facility the LDS Church uses to provide food and clothing to families suffering hardships. A local Church leader, i.e. a bishop, visits with the family and fills out a form that allows a family to obtain food and clothing at no cost -- to help families in need (LDS or not). The "storehouse" is one of three in the valley that serve this purpose. The storehouse has no cash registers as all of the material is offered at the discretion of an LDS bishop.

The radio room can handle about 10-15 without getting too crowded but we do have a conference room as well (with Internet connection and chairs and projection screen) that will seat 100.

The facility is located about 3600 South and 7200 West. It's available any time to the group either for a meeting, a tour, or to just go by and use the ham station (HF, VHF, UHF, 900 MHz, VHF SSB, packet and Echolink). Just give me a holler.

Jerry, W7SAR


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
If you do decide to go with MediaWiki, and wish to develop a portal to the RadioReference wiki, I'm certainly open to that. Let me know if you decide to go that route and we'll talk. I have developed something of a 'portal' page that would link the RRDB entry for Utah, and lots of scanner related topics as well. It can be easily tailored to meet whatever your needs are. If you wish to see what the portal would look like, send me an email, and set up an account (using your RR userid and password) on the wiki (if you don't have one already). I'll send you the article, and all you would need do is copy/paste it into your user area.

You might want to talk to Lindsay and Scott over on Scan Cape Cod. We are running MediaWiki here, and both the Scan Cape Cod and ScanBC sites have their own MediaWiki sites as well. They can give you pointers as to installation, pitfalls and so forth. In addition the ScanBC (British Columbia) site is a combination of a set of forums and wiki.

Alternately you can use the RR API to pull data from the databases onto your new site. You can read about it here...I have no experience with it, but perhaps others have...


My email is ka3jjz@netscape.com 73 and happy new year...Mike

[Edit] Here are the 2 URLs that have Mediawiki installed, besides us...


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Premium Subscriber
Oct 27, 2008
Lehi, UT
I thought I would post a quick note letting everyone know we are working on something. If anyone has some skill with Perl/Python/PHP and would like to help out, please PM me. Once we get things a little more solidified we'll send along more details.
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