Just wanted to mention that upgrades / rebanding is currently taking place (at least the administrative side) on the CCOM system. At least, that's from the technician's mouths.
Anyway, they (WCCCA techs) mentioned they had been doing some testing on VCALL (155.7525) and VTAC-1 (151.1375), in which CRESA (Clark County's dispatch) could hear and "got a little nervous with all the traffic and [started] monitoring VTAC-1."
First of all, do VCALL and the VTAC channels get used at all? Secondly, since my 246T rounds the frequency up, would changing the frequency step on those allow me to program them in without rounding, and also...what would the step be? 7.5khz?
Anyway, they (WCCCA techs) mentioned they had been doing some testing on VCALL (155.7525) and VTAC-1 (151.1375), in which CRESA (Clark County's dispatch) could hear and "got a little nervous with all the traffic and [started] monitoring VTAC-1."
First of all, do VCALL and the VTAC channels get used at all? Secondly, since my 246T rounds the frequency up, would changing the frequency step on those allow me to program them in without rounding, and also...what would the step be? 7.5khz?