Thanks for putting that together. I modified the KML file slightly so that confirmed stations (seen GSIF's) show up "green" (with the actual GSIF pasted into the description so it's displayed when you click on the site), while probable stations (not confirmed with an actual seen GSIF) are "orange".
From what I see in observed addressing, the ARINC stations on 136.650 have addresses in the form of 11xxxA.
That seems to be the case. There is also 11512A that is most likely in DTW (If the FCC database is correct, as it would be the only 136.650 station in that area).
[2018-10-23 14:21:04 GMT] [136.650] [-9.0/-46.8 dBFS] [37.8 dB] [0.8 ppm]
ADCCEB (Aircraft, Airborne) -> 11512A (Ground station): Command
AVLC: type: U (XID) P/F: 1
XID: Handoff Initiation
Public params:
Parameter set ID: 8885:1993
Procedure classes: 00 01
HDLC options: 20 a4 88
VDL params:
Parameter set ID: V
Connection management: 01
XID sequencing: 03
AVLC specific options: 27
Destination airport: KDTW
After taking a closer look through some more New York area logs I'm fairly confident with these too:
1023CA = MMU
102C1A = TEB
10347A = PHL
10348A = ISP
10456A = HPN
10502A = PHL
282197 = PHL
2A1457 = TEB