
Another radio I have restored, and which is in my collection is the RCA T8-18, an eight tube superheterodyne radio covering the frequencies from 540KC to 18 MC in three bands, 540KC to 1625 KC, 1.625 MC to 5.7 MC, and 5.7 MC to 18 MC. This radio is a "communications receiver in civilian clothing." It has a stage of tuned RF amplification, and employs a separate tube for its local oscillator feeding the first detector which combines its output with the received RF signal to produce the intermediate frequency. The circuitry gives this radio both excellent sensitivity and selectivity. Made in 1936, it was one of the first sets to employ all octal based, metal tubes, except for the "magic eye" tuning indicator, eliminating the need for separate tube shields. The 8 inch electrodynamic speaker provides clear, pleasant sound for both voice and music. The schematic for this radio can be found here : RCA T8-18 Schematic