Got the USB cable for my vx-7r, entered all my frequencies into the Commander software and tried to connect. After spending most of the day yesterday with port errors, connection timeouts, and the software just not working (I'm using stupid Windows 7), I gave up. Turned the radio off, unplugged the cable, and when I turned it back on there is a noise like the squelch is open and the green receive light stays on. I've turned the squelch settings as high as they can go, and there's still noise. I can press the monitor button and the squelch opens up like it should, then when I release it, it still is noise. I can't receive anything now, not NOAA weather, not my local repeater nothing. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I've contacted Yaesu repair and am waiting on a reply. I've reset the radio which of course caused me to loose my frequencies I manually programmed but there is still this noise. Suggestions?