Washington County Government (Georgia) - Trunked DMR CAPMAX system


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
For those of you in Georgia interested in monitoring Washington Co Gov't. They upgraded from a Motorola Connect Plus trunked DMR system to a Motorola Capacity Max DMR system.

There are 6 sites. I have not been able to figure out enough yet about each site to submit data to the RRDB. But you should be aware that they are on a new trunked system, new frequency lineup on each site, and 6 sites total.

The licenses associated with the new system are the same as the old


I pick this system up from a remote site in Bulloch Co . So I can only pull it in during enhanced trophospheric ducting, which is usually very early morning. Unfortunately, the system is very unbusy at that time of the morning. This makes identifying all necessary attributes (active freqs in use on each site, LCNs associated with each one) difficult. It will take some time for me to figure it out.

If there is anyone closer to Washington Co or in Washington Co who is fluent with DSDPlus, you might want to start sleuthing.



Feb 20, 2006
Based on atmosphere in the mid state near Macon, I would pickup Washington Co. pretty clear, but that was some years ago and they were on DMR then. I don't know when I'll be up there to do research. It's been quite a while since I've done it.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Based on atmosphere in the mid state near Macon, I would pickup Washington Co. pretty clear, but that was some years ago and they were on DMR then. I don't know when I'll be up there to do research. It's been quite a while since I've done it.

Just looking in the database at counties like Washington and the ones to the south and southeast of it, it's clear there aren't many listeners -- at least not many who actually search out and submit data. There is a lot of outdated stuff in the DB. Both Washington and Jefferson switched to TIII CAPMAX systems, and I worked quite a bit on Tattnall Co and Claxton to get more information for them in the DB.

I'd hope there were more listeners/sleuthers down there, but I'm not familiar with those counties at all. Maybe they are just extremely rural counties with not a lot of people in them (and thus not a lot of scanner listeners).