Unable to hear anything on Waterbury tonight.
My SDS100/200 gets a constant lock on the P25 control channel 852.175 MHz at -100db, but doesn't see the "P25" or "Data" light up.
Ran DSD+ and I keep getting "muting encrypted voice" messages but not displaying any TG info. I'm getting a lot of "unknown/invalid DUID: 11" messages, TG11 is their primary dispatch TG. I also get 4 and 2 which as far as I know aren't TG's they have. I get a lot of "unrecoverable NID" as well. Once in a great while I will get the Fire PD giving a call, but it;s definitely acting strange. Eventually after sitting for 10-15 minutes I'll get Site and System ID's and it will confirm control frequencies and such. Then it will lose it and freak out tuning to all other frequencies. Unitrunker won't pick up anything... in SDR# I get a 23db SNR
I just listened a few days ago no problem. I updated the CC on the database about a month ago too since it was out of date by 2 years and they changed it since then. I've also scanned through all frequencies... nothing else.
Wonder if it's something for just July 4th or permanent? Checking with some contacts I have there...
My SDS100/200 gets a constant lock on the P25 control channel 852.175 MHz at -100db, but doesn't see the "P25" or "Data" light up.
Ran DSD+ and I keep getting "muting encrypted voice" messages but not displaying any TG info. I'm getting a lot of "unknown/invalid DUID: 11" messages, TG11 is their primary dispatch TG. I also get 4 and 2 which as far as I know aren't TG's they have. I get a lot of "unrecoverable NID" as well. Once in a great while I will get the Fire PD giving a call, but it;s definitely acting strange. Eventually after sitting for 10-15 minutes I'll get Site and System ID's and it will confirm control frequencies and such. Then it will lose it and freak out tuning to all other frequencies. Unitrunker won't pick up anything... in SDR# I get a 23db SNR
I just listened a few days ago no problem. I updated the CC on the database about a month ago too since it was out of date by 2 years and they changed it since then. I've also scanned through all frequencies... nothing else.
Wonder if it's something for just July 4th or permanent? Checking with some contacts I have there...