Anyone (especially public safety dispatch centers) using the Motorola Wave PTX Web Dispatch application (Web Dispatcher)?
We are toying around with it on our tri-county radio system for potential use on tactical/remote dispatch deployments and i have a question about monitoring multiple talk groups.
My specific problem is that if i move multiple TG's up into the monitor section, i can only hear the one TG i click the PTT button on. I can see traffic on the other channels, but no audio comes through unless i put them into scan. The problem with that is that my PTT (or foot pedal) will talkback to the most recent channel with traffic, not necessarily the one i was originally "selected" on.
We are toying around with it on our tri-county radio system for potential use on tactical/remote dispatch deployments and i have a question about monitoring multiple talk groups.
My specific problem is that if i move multiple TG's up into the monitor section, i can only hear the one TG i click the PTT button on. I can see traffic on the other channels, but no audio comes through unless i put them into scan. The problem with that is that my PTT (or foot pedal) will talkback to the most recent channel with traffic, not necessarily the one i was originally "selected" on.