What do all us Wyoming scannists monitor?

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Dec 1, 2007
Laramie, WY
Was wondering what the rest of you around the state listen to. I know there's a few of you out there, and I've been looking for other things to try my hand at listening to when I get a new scanner here in the next couple weeks. I know Wyoming is rather dry when it comes to monitoring, so I'm curious as to what others are listening to around the state.

Currently, I'm running an ancient Uniden BC80XLT (which, even with it's limitations from age, lack of airband, and only 50 channels, is a helluva workhorse that I'll either pass on to my stepdad or keep around for my knockaround machine) which I've got mostly Albany County/Laramie emergency services and University of Wyoming programmed in. My first bank is dedicated to police/sheriff, fire/ems, WHP, and Wyoming Mutual Aid. While I've got several UW and Albany County frequencies programmed elsewhere (as well as a few businesses), I rarely listen to them on any frequent basis, since the traffic that is of interest to me remains with law/fire/ems. It certainly helps that I get most of Cheyenne's WHP traffic.

Anyone have other interests?


Nov 16, 2005
Hope your next scanner is digital, you can hear Colo. now and with Wyo link pushing ahead, more and more traffic will be moving over there. Here in Gering we can hear Laramie, Cheyenne, Wheatlad and Torrington state patrol with the analog system, however we are only getting the Wheatland east and Chugwater digital towers so far, as the Torrington tower has not been turned on yet. This is a good area for the amount of traffic we hear, northeast Colorado to Ogallala, Alliance, Glendo to the west and
Kimball to the south, and some times Pine Bluffs. My big worry is that when WYO Link is full time I will be missing a lot of Wyoming that I hear now, it will be up to you to keep us informed!!!


Dec 1, 2007
Laramie, WY
Doubt I'll be investing in a digital scanner anytime soon. Current plan is to get a BCT15, which should provide plenty of listening for the foreseeable future for continued conventional systems, as well as letting me listen to civil and military air traffic (I'm really looking forward to the Thunderbirds in Cheyenne this year, since I should have the new machine by then).

We're moving to a new apartment this coming week, so hopefully the landlord will allow me to put up an external antenna so I can pick up more than just local.
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