I've read all the comments & archived post covering all manner of tropo ducting & skip reception which obviously has some merit, I've tried for a week now to try & capture those ever elusive transmissions with a BCT-8 programmed with the FCC fire service low band allocated frequencies (33 MHz & 46 MHz) hoping to hears skip from the East coast of the U.S. using the back of the set antenna, I live in Central Florida in a 6 story concrete high rise however I am facing south, no luck, I've read with skepticism about skip being received from coast to coast & border to border on portable scanners with the stock rubber duck antenna, I am pondering on getting two Vertex VX-5500 low band radios to cover both allocated sub bands, LMR-600 coax & Tessco low band coaxial ground plane antennas or any 5/8 wave gain antennas which is supposed to improve long distance reception, am I on the right track with this type of configuration? Any other members here care to share what their listening post consist of? I really want to get into this aspect of the hobby & am willing to learn, any advice would be greatly appreciated.