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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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What Motorola gear will work on the ham radio 33cm (900 MHz) band?

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/\/\ Junkie
Jul 3, 2009
Port St. Lucie,FL
So starting to get interested in the ham radio 33cm (900 MHz) band as we supposedly (yet to confirm) have 2 900 MHz repeaters in my county of Palm Beach. But even if they don't pan out 900 MHz will still be fun to use simplex especially P25 style. So what Motorola's will do the ham radio 33cm band? I see the FM Simplex Calling Frequency is 927.500. I found some MTS2000's on ebay cheap (as most "U" & "W" split Motorola Gear is cheap) but it appears on the spec sheet it won't work. It appears the transmitter transmits between 896-902 MHz & 935-941. And the receiver does 935-941 MHz. I've also heard that the 900 MHz split on Ham band is different than the 900 MHz Public Safety/Commercial band. I guess with the MTS2000 I might be able to do a hex file edit to the code plug but would prefer one that works out the box!!!!!


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
So starting to get interested in the ham radio 33cm (900 MHz) band as we supposedly (yet to confirm) have 2 900 MHz repeaters in my county of Palm Beach. But even if they don't pan out 900 MHz will still be fun to use simplex especially P25 style. So what Motorola's will do the ham radio 33cm band? I see the FM Simplex Calling Frequency is 927.500. I found some MTS2000's on ebay cheap (as most "U" & "W" split Motorola Gear is cheap) but it appears on the spec sheet it won't work. It appears the transmitter transmits between 896-902 MHz & 935-941. And the receiver does 935-941 MHz. I've also heard that the 900 MHz split on Ham band is different than the 900 MHz Public Safety/Commercial band. I guess with the MTS2000 I might be able to do a hex file edit to the code plug but would prefer one that works out the box!!!!!

You've gotta hex edit the stuff to make it work.
www.batlabs.com is your best choice. I know someone who was using a 900MHz MaxTrac that'd he'd bit-banged to make work.

There's other radios will work, but BatLabs is a great resource for the older Motorola gear.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2008
The Ascend series (EFJ 5100) radios work very well with a slightly modified version of the cps. A Kenwood TK 981 mobile is also easy to get to work on the ham 900 mhz frequencies. It has been a couple of years since I have been on 900, but when I started there were no Motorola radio suitable for the transition.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 7, 2004
Problem with Jedi series (MT2000/MTS2000) is that even with hex editing, they don't all work on simplex in the ham bands, only some of them do, others the VCO won't lock on transmit.

For example, out of a lot of 10 MTS2000 900mhz radios I tested, only 2 did simplex, but they all seemed perfectly capable of working in the repeater bands. On the other hand, both 900 mhz MCS2000 radios I got ahold of did fine on simplex.

FYI IMHO the MCS2000 route is easier than maxtrac for 900, b/c if memory serves, most 900mh maxtracs for sale don't have firmware that supports conventional use, I think most of trunking only. But correct me if I'm wrong.


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
MTX9250 work very well. I have some available if there is interest. Also some of the efj 5100


/\/\ Junkie
Jul 3, 2009
Port St. Lucie,FL
All you guys had great info hence the reason I started this post. I prefer Motorola gear because well I love it and I can program it.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 23, 2003
Frederica, Delaware
I am running an xts 2500 900mhz. I had to hex edit the software to make it work and only works on the upper part of the band. I have it set up with an mmdvm pi-star hotspot linked to the p25 network in simplex. Range is very limited I need to experiment with a different antenna on the hot spot but I think its because the mmdvm is running so far away from the band it was intended. Perhaps I should ditch the hot spot and set up an mmdvm board to another 33cm radio. Works great at short ranges though, by far my favorite digital radio for ham use!


Feb 6, 2007
Although they're getting old, Spectras work quite well on 900. It requires a hex edit of RSS to program, and some RF work to optimize them. For someone who's skilled at working on these things, full performance can be obtained, and they can be converted to be used as repeater receivers.

For a little less work, Maxtracs can also be used on 900. No hex edit required, Sensitivity rolls off below 928, but it's usable. A simple VCO tweak is often necessary to maintain lock. Trunking Maxtracs might need a firmware change to get conventional operation. The firmware is "out there".


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
My vote is for the GTX mobile/portable and the cousins, MCS2000/LCS2000. Sure you need to crank out your DOS machine and hex edit RSS, but every GTX portable and mobile I got my hands on back when 900 was "in fashion" around here in 2001/2002 worked like a champ on 928/902 both repeater and simplex (926-928) and usually got rated power or better, and hot receivers without having to change out filters, do a ton of alignment, etc.

Sure these are utilitarian looking radios, and built to a price point, but they were (and maybe still are) cheap, were plentiful, and sounded good on the air. The high power 30 watt version were nice if you can find them.


/\/\ Junkie
Jul 3, 2009
Port St. Lucie,FL
All great info. Looks like a hex edit is inevitable but I’ve done em before on Jedi gear and now Astro Sabers. Still been putting off the hex edit on my analog Sabers that don’t go below 145 MHz. So not my first rodeo in that dept. But now I know what models to be looking up on eBay.


Jun 19, 2016
Not P25 but I hex edit XPR6580's. There are DMR/analog models and straight analog models, so ask before buying if you are wanting digital.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 26, 2005
Medford, NJ
I've had good experiences with the MCS2000 radios. I've have numerous model l and ll models and they've always worked well.


Mar 1, 2003
As stated before, the Jedi series is a hit, & miss. The 9250 is a great analog radio usually going for $65. At least the 4 I bought did. The XPR6580, & 7580 also work well there, but the 7580e will not. The XTS2500 works great there too. They run $250+. BUT, I live in WPB, & of the 2 repeaters you mentioned, one is off the air, & the other is private. Yes, ham freq’s are open to all hams, but that repeater has split PL’s, & NAC codes. Should the repeater owner hear a stranger there, the codes will be changed the next day. But 9250 radios are cheap to buy, & great simplex radios for the mall, & ham fests. When I’m with the wife in the Wellington mall, we keep in touch with them.
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/\/\ Junkie
Jul 3, 2009
Port St. Lucie,FL
As stated before, the Jedi series is a hit, & miss. The 9250 is a great analog radio usually going for $65. At least the 4 I bought did. The XPR6580, & 7580 also work well there, but the 7580e will not. The XTS2500 works great there too. They run $250+. BUT, I live in WPB, & of the 2 repeaters you mentioned, one is off the air, & the other is private. Yes, ham freq’s are open to all hams, but that repeater has split PL’s, & NAC codes. Should the repeater owner hear a stranger there, the codes will be changed the next day. But 9250 radios are cheap to buy, & great simplex radios for the mall, & ham fests. When I’m with the wife in the Wellington mall, we keep in touch with them.
Great to hear you N4KVE and good info on our local 33cm machines. I appreciate it. I’m on P25 VHF & UHF in our area. Repeaters are on my QRZ page. Maybe I’ll hear you on there.
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