What to expect for rest of 2023 and beyond.....


Nov 16, 2014
Hertfordshire, UK
Good Morning from the UK,
Hope all is well with everyone - So the question I know everyone asks , but just wondered what you guys think what the future holds for scanners ?
Here in the UK things have settled down with radio users now happily using DMR with a scatter of PMR users sticking to what they know.
Scanner listeners here have had the option for some while now of sticking with their analogue scanners for airband or marine with those wanting to listen to other users such as security guards at shopping centres (malls) or couriers, electric or road workers now using DMR , so the option of Whistler or Uniden for example to satisfy their needs if not encrypted.
Emergency Services continue to use encrypted comms in the form of TETRA based radios, been this way for few years now.
So have we plateaued as a scanner listener do you think ? I really cant see anything changing apart from actual scanner radios changing in design or look - a newer version of the TRX 1 or other digital scanner. Cannot imagine a manufacturer producing anything more radical eg a way to decode encrypted comms such as Police or Fire..maybe more sdr type radios as they seem so popular, a decent handheld sdr scanner/receiver maybe ?

Apologies as I write this as a Scanner user in the UK and may not interest those across the water - To my defence , I am attached to the US Airforce here in the East of England as a firefighter for the last 12 years, so cut me a little slack maybe ??? !!!

Thanks for your time in advance, as always thanks for taking time to read even if you don't comment !!

Kev (Fires999) USAF Fire in East of England - keeping everyone safe, as they protect you and me.


Dec 4, 2007
I just expect the slow degrading march of analog agencies turning to digital (and encryption) to continue. My corner of the world still has a lot of analog but it's changing little by little.

No company will ever make a radio that can decode encryption marketed to the public because it's illegal. The FCC would never approve it to be sold here even if some other country manufactured it. The radios I own now will likely be the last ones I'll buy, sadly. I don't see Whistler or Uniden coming out with anything new anytime soon. At least we have SDR, as frustrating as it is to set up. I'd settle for someone making an SDR for dummies software program for PC so it's a little more plug and play. It's easier to use on my android phone than PC for the time being


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
I just expect the slow degrading march of analog agencies turning to digital (and encryption) to continue. My corner of the world still has a lot of analog but it's changing little by little.

No company will ever make a radio that can decode encryption marketed to the public because it's illegal. The FCC would never approve it to be sold here even if some other country manufactured it. The radios I own now will likely be the last ones I'll buy, sadly. I don't see Whistler or Uniden coming out with anything new anytime soon. At least we have SDR, as frustrating as it is to set up. I'd settle for someone making an SDR for dummies software program for PC so it's a little more plug and play. It's easier to use on my android phone than PC for the time being

And AirSpy SDR with SDR# is essentially plug and play (no driver needed). I also use an Android with the AirSpy and that was harder to set up.


Apr 17, 2023
Boston North Shore, Massachusetts
It does not look good. Whistler does not seem interested in making a new scanner, and Uniden can't fix what they already have, so they may always have the infamous ports that do nothing, and maybe one less software bug per year. We just have to keep the current products running. Maybe Unication will branch out a bit, seems
like the best hope, but unlikely. Strangely with interop between agencies being big focus, it looks like things might have improved for some people where unencrypted comms is the path to interop. Still the move to encryption has changed things forever.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
I am a lineman for the county.
Not much on the RF side will change. They are not going to decode encryption magically. They are not going to handle LTE. Maybe add system fusion or D*Star.

About the only thing they could do is modify the user interface. Add BlueTooth, more network/remote connection ability. Maybe larger screen, louder audio, more frequency coverage. They could chase after shortwave, add SSB.

There's not much changing on the other side of the radio. P25 has reached adulthood. Not much in the way of new stuff coming out for mobile/hand held radios, other than adding WiFi and LTE. NXDN and DMR are not going anywhere.


Dec 4, 2007
And AirSpy SDR with SDR# is essentially plug and play (no driver needed). I also use an Android with the AirSpy and that was harder to set up.
I tried SDR# with an RTL-SDR, I was trying to find as simple a solution as I could to have something I could listen to remotely without opening firewall ports and risking getting hacked to hell, I just could never get it working right. I tried Zello as well but my internet connection wasn't great. I gave up on it for now but I'll probably try again this summer


Active Member
Sep 10, 2022
Marietta OH
I don't think every agency is going to be encrypted in the future. Everyone has their own opinion about it and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon and there are some police officers and other emergency personnel that would rather have them be mostly in the clear, and I think it will probably stay that way, at least for a good while.


Nov 16, 2014
Hertfordshire, UK
Evening everyone,
Thanks so much for all of your replies, opinions and views. Personally I think we have reached level ground.
There seems not much more scanner manufacturers can add to make it a game changer. Thats ok with me as long as they don't start to neglect customers and just take our money and then not care anymore.
I guess my next option is to make sure I;m making the most of what I have - decent antenna set up , less interference as I can get.
At least then I know I have done as much as I can.
Please keep your views coming, I know every day is a learning day and someone may just suggest something that I haven't thought of that makes my listening pleasure that much better.
Whilst Military Airband is still available and selfishly I have access to that and associated stuff whilst part of USAF, things aren't too bad !!
Be safe , enjoy Memorial Weekend ( enjoy might be the wrong sentiment)
Thanks in advance


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
I am a lineman for the county.
Thats ok with me as long as they don't start to neglect customers and just take our money and then not care anymore.

Uh, right. That'll never happen. Ever.

The probably reality is that they already have your money, you got a scanner for it, and they are pretty much done. Constant development of software is often a 'best effort' thing, unless you are specifically paying for that level of service.
There's no way I'd invest in a new scanner and expect the company to support it indefinitely. At some point the product life will end and consumers will be mostly out of luck.
I can't see Uniden supporting the SDS line of radios forever, and I can't really see what they'll do in the way of a new product, other than to come out with a shiny new scanner and stop support of the old ones.

I guess my next option is to make sure I;m making the most of what I have - decent antenna set up , less interference as I can get.
At least then I know I have done as much as I can.

That's always a good place to invest, and will often give you more "bang for your buck" than a new scanner will.