The Tulsa ARC will once again hold their Field Day at Chandler Park. Field Day is always the last full weekend in June, which is the 23rd and 24th, this year.
Activities start around Noon on Friday when the first "campers" arrive and start setting up. Burgers Friday and then the TTT net run from the park (a good chance for new net controllers to try their hand when there's plenty of help to bail them out). Antenna raisings go on throughout Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.
Contacts can be made from Noon on Sat. to Noon on Sunday.
BBQ Pot Luck is at approx. 6pm Sat. evening, and breakfast (eggs and pancakes, and maybe "wop" biscuits) Sun. morning.
Join us for food, fellowship, and of course RADIO - everyone gets to talk on HF, licensed or not (we have a special station, and mentors standing by, to walk you through it).