Try the database:Where is the best place to get digital numbers for Stephens,co. Oklahoma
thanksStephens County and Duncan have been migrating to DMR. The database is missing a lot. Don't count on it being current.
What does this mean?Can someone a talk group and number for something
I would like to have 1 talk group number and freq. number to in my scanner to try to put in my scanner to see if I can do itWhat does this mean?
Here is a link to the database:
Stephens County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Stephens County, Oklahoma (OK)
i'm new to all this, don't really know how to navigate or read it one or the other or bothWhat does this mean?
Here is a link to the database:
Stephens County, Oklahoma (OK) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Stephens County, Oklahoma (OK)
thanksyou should post what radio you are trying this with as some radios won't do DMR.
The BCT 8 is not a digital scanner. It won't do DMR nor P25.uniden bct 8
you know anything about a Uniden BCD 996p2 scanner