Which currently available SW portable is most sensitive . . . on its own whip antenna?

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
For portable ops (just carrying it around) the whip will do, but it's nowhere near optimum. It's way too short to be efficient at HF frequencies.

If you are using it in your home, an outdoor antenna will improve performance (up to a point - portables don't have the front end of say, a good desktop radio). If you're in an area with condo nazis, HOAs, etc. or have a tiny yard, see this thread...

But beware of static buildup - and if the radio doesn't have a RF Gain control, you can add one to your setup easily

And of course there's our loops wiki



Feb 23, 2014
Good luck finding published specs or lab reports for most portables.
Unlike the handheld referenced above, most portable owner manuals
are silent when it comes to sensitivity specs let alone receiver dynamic range.
Sensitivity likely won't be an issue, selectivity is where portables usually falter.
In fact, there can be a problem with too much sensitivity especially in an urban/
suburban area with many powerful AM broadcast band stations. The intermodulation
distortion will drive you crazy.


Sep 2, 2012
I think most modern, DSP, name brand (Tecsun, Grundig, CCrane, Sangean, etc.) portables are probably similar in performance.

My 2014 Grundig G2 has a DSP chip, probably the same one that's in many other SW portables, and it works as well off its whip as other radios work on a 25-30 ft indoor wire. Sometimes even working better. When SW conditions were still good, I used the length of the whip as an ersatz 'RF control'. I'd shorten it if there was any SW intermod going on -- which was rare. Since conditions went south in 2017, I haven't had that issue.

Selectivity is excellent. Most DSP radios I've messed with had excellent selectivity for SWBC stations, MW stations, and the like. If you're going SSB for Sideband and CW you'll want a radio with adjustable bandwidths, and I think the Tecsuns have that.

FWIW I've heard nothing but good things about the Tecsun 880, 660 and the CCrane Skywave.


Nov 9, 2019
New Hampshire
I haven't experienced any overload as of yet and don't foresee any problems as you have complete control of the sensitivity (RF Gain Control).
Selectivity is great and you have some very nice & effective filter widths at your disposal. Impressive in all modes, really shines in cw mode. In the past, when I was not thrilled with the wife's choice of viewing on the big screen, I would go up into the shack and scan around to see what was going on out there. Now I just stay in my recliner, pop in my earbuds and scan around with my Belka DX. If something catches my attention I just run upstairs, otherwise I just have fun with the Belka DX. It really does operate more like a ham receiver than a portable swl receiver, only it fits in the palm of your hand. I rarely get on the air these days, I think the Universe was sending me a message when I was born with two ears and only one mouth. I listen far more than I talk these days, makes for a happy home life. ;)


Premium Subscriber
Jun 1, 2005
/usa/oh/cmh EM89kx
I have the PL880 and the ATS909X2.
I find I use the 909X2 most of the time - but that is just a personal preference

As far as sensitivity goes they are just about par with each other.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 1, 2005
/usa/oh/cmh EM89kx
yes I have both of those too.

Have not compared closely . . . I will this weekend and report back here

the SkyWave SSB, I can say right off is not as sensitive - but it has VERY short Antenna!


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
yes I have both of those too.

Have not compared closely . . . I will this weekend and report back here

the SkyWave SSB, I can say right off is not as sensitive - but it has VERY short Antenna!

. . . and clip-on wire antenna that comes with the Skywave SSB helps, but I will be very interested in your "close comparison." Thanks in advance for your efforts.

What I am really looking for is a maximally sensitive portable that I can use to chase HF SSB signals upstairs in the evening without annoying the wife by draping additional wires around!


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
Exactly what I do with the Belka! Well except no wife to annoy🤣

Well, I'm blessed; the better half actually encourages my radioactivity; she tolerates a 50-foot antenna looped around the ceiling of our sun room, an off-center-fed dipole hanging in the corner, and eight radios in my corner of the sun room. But when it comes to radios in the bedroom, I don't want to push my luck.


Nov 9, 2019
New Hampshire
I have the PL880 and the ATS909X2.
I find I use the 909X2 most of the time - but that is just a personal preference

As far as sensitivity goes they are just about par with each other.

I have a PL-880 as well and it is one of my favorites due to the many bandwidths and the spectacular audio. I have been looking at the H501x, But i think I'll wait a while as the Belka has my full attention at the moment. Still, the H501x has me looking. If you could record programs to the sd card it would be a no-brainer. I think in all fairness I should take a serious look the the 909X2, I have heard good things about that receiver as well.

I picked up a Flambeau Double Pistol case with pick-n-place foam interior on clearance at Walmart for $5 and it hold 4 shortwave portables along with charging cords, spare batteries, etc. When going camping or if I just want to have some radio fun I can just grab the shortwave box and go.

I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky, we could be collecting things far more expensive than portable shortwave receivers. I just wish someone was still making full featured tabletop shortwave receivers. I bought an Alinco DX R8T shortly before they were discontinued. Never going to part with that one. I have the Alinco connected to the receive antenna output of my FT DX3000. It works quite well as a second receiver.


Nov 9, 2019
New Hampshire
That Belka sounds like a good next up, then sell off a couple of my portables!
I think you will be very pleased with the Belka. It actually has me questioning whether or not I really need to continue buying more portable SW receivers. Still that H501x reminds me of the Grundig's of days gone by....


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
I have a PL-880 as well and it is one of my favorites due to the many bandwidths and the spectacular audio. I have been looking at the H501x, But i think I'll wait a while as the Belka has my full attention at the moment. Still, the H501x has me looking. If you could record programs to the sd card it would be a no-brainer. I think in all fairness I should take a serious look the the 909X2, I have heard good things about that receiver as well.

I picked up a Flambeau Double Pistol case with pick-n-place foam interior on clearance at Walmart for $5 and it hold 4 shortwave portables along with charging cords, spare batteries, etc. When going camping or if I just want to have some radio fun I can just grab the shortwave box and go.

I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky, we could be collecting things far more expensive than portable shortwave receivers. I just wish someone was still making full featured tabletop shortwave receivers. I bought an Alinco DX R8T shortly before they were discontinued. Never going to part with that one. I have the Alinco connected to the receive antenna output of my FT DX3000. It works quite well as a second receiver.

I've heard the S-8800 is really nice.
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