TRX-1: Whistler is going down hill fast


Premium Subscriber
Feb 27, 2005
First I am no stranger to Whistler Scanners I have 3 Ws1040, 4 WS 1065 and a WS1098. On May 2nd I picked up a scratch and dent TX 1. 4 of my scanners are scratch and dents and never had a problem. So I order the TX 1 on 5/2/24 and got the radio on 5/11/24. On 6/2/24 I went to update the CPU and the radio just locked up. On 6/4 it was sent in to Whistler for repair and then found out it had a bad logic board. They replaced it and I got the radio back yesterday 6/24. Programed the radio and turned it and nothing, it had no receive could not even pick up the weather station 10 miles away with and outside antenna. So it is off to get fixed again. How can you repair something and not even test it? What is bad is I got this radio because I needed a handheld Phase 2 scanner. Maybe the next radio will be a Uniden


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Those scratch and dent type of devices, and open box units and refurbs, are customer returns and a quick check might not reveal any issues that the customer where experiencing. You where probably lucky with your other purchases. But getting a scanner back after repair that doesn't work have also happened at several occasions from Uniden.
