Do not "brag" about having radio gear, or have the speaker blaring for those that do not consider radio use to be part of their vacation (this applies everywhere). Calling attention to yourself is often the root cause of other problems...
That reminds me of one character I knew back in the early 2000's. Everywhere he went he had not one, but two HT's hanging off his belt with speaker mics blaring for all to hear and always wore ARES/RACES or SAR hats and shirts trying to look cool or something. He was actually the butt of jokes to people behind his back, but was not bright enough to realize it. At one point he even got fired from his job after they found out he lied to them about how he was, "desperately needed and had no choice to leave work that day to participate in an active search".
There is a time and place for everything, but yes, if you need/want to carry a scanner or HT, hide it under your coat and wear an unobtrusive earphone.