What did he say?
I would set up:
Channel 1 = Station 1 TG and it would include Stations 1 Car to Car TG and the Tac TG. You then would have Station 1 Dispatch, Car to Car and TAC all scanning on Channel 1 of 8 available channels..
For the Station with the most traffic you could set up a Zone, lets say a Station 1 Zone, and have Channel 1 for Dispatch, Channel 2 for Car to Car and Channel 3 for TAC. Channel 4 could be all 3 TG's.
There are a lot of options to monitoring your favorite Talk Groups.
I stand corrected on the price, my bad! So what are the current price of the G4/5 flavors? Assuming this information is not classified or for your eyes viewing only.
Although I'm a young cat, but if my memory serves me right. These units are "supposedly" being sold and geared toward folks/departments in "Public Service". To this date, I have NOT been able to find out who or what departments have bought or replaced their Minitors for the G4/5.
As someone that has been in the new era of EMS, these units are pointless and overpriced for what a crew needs. Let's be honest, NO ONE will use these during a shift.
We don't care what's going on the next county over or 2 counties over. Once you are relieved from your shift, you go home and that's it. Unless a major fire or disaster happens you will not be called in.
My hats go to those men and women as they don't have budgets for fancy toys. This is definitely a"toy" for them.
Minitors are tried and true. They are dropped all the time, left in hot or cold places and generally not taken care of.
No screens to worry about. Batteries easily swapped out. If they stop working they are replaced simple as that.
With budget constraints and Minitors found on eBay, that is the best, cheapest route. Keep in mind that crews also have numeric pagers. Yes, beepers! Can the same be said about the G4/5?
You or Unication are NOT going to convince me that this product will be the next best thing to the Minitor.
Very few volunteer departments have P25 systems in place. That's a fact!
So let's call it what is. This G4/5 has now been a device that has and is trying to replace scanners in this community. <snip> They have an excellent solution to LSM, that's it.
To close this... I would to like to remind you. I do want to purchase a G4/5 series for scanner use and NOT for work purposes. I do THINK that this product will be the next big thing with scanner hobbyists. The problem that we all know is preventing them propelling to the next level are the known issues and the price point. The price is too high as this point. Fix the issues and sell this device about $450 then you'll have great sales. Until then I'll be happy with my Harris and DSD+. Those work for ME!
You win sfd119!
You're right, I'm wrong, Apple products are the Best thing since sliced bread. Long live Unication, Heil Unication!
It's not about winning or losing...it's about evaluating the needs and technology for your agency and being proactive. Remember everyone that had to get narrowband waivers because they were behind the ball? Two tone paging will go away and I, for one, would like to know what is going to replace it and be ready for it.
For what it's worth, I have an Android phone and an iPhone for work. Both have pros and cons.
I stand corrected on the price, my bad! So what are the current price of the G4/5 flavors? Assuming this information is not classified or for your eyes viewing only.
Thank You for enlightening me on what is and isn't on an ambulance or apparatus. I've only been working as a EMT-P now for about 9 years and an EMT-B for 3 years. Let's see if I can add, oh yeah that's only 12 years. I think I know what tools or comms we use.
Although I'm a young cat, but if my memory serves me right. These units are "supposedly" being sold and geared toward folks/departments in "Public Service". To this date, I have NOT been able to find out who or what departments have bought or replaced their Minitors for the G4/5.
As someone that has been in the new era of EMS, these units are pointless and overpriced for what a crew needs. Let's be honest, NO ONE will use these during a shift. We have at LEAST 2 radios with a crew. 1 in the truck or bus and the officer has one. Office personnel don't really care about listening to calls as they don't respond. We don't care what's going on the next county over or 2 counties over. Once you are relieved from your shift, you go home and that's it. Unless a major fire or disaster happens you will not be called in. Off duty is just that, OFF DUTY. Now maybe in a small town with volunteers, that's a different story. They have no choice but to take care of themselves. So yes, my statement from above is complete opposite as the needs for volunteers. My hats go to those men and women as they don't have budgets for fancy toys. This is definitely a"toy" for them. Minitors are tried and true. They are dropped all the time, left in hot or cold places and generally not taken care of. No screens to worry about. Batteries easily swapped out. If they stop working they are replaced simple as that. With budget constraints and Minitors found on eBay, that is the best, cheapest route. Keep in mind that crews also have numeric pagers. Yes, beepers! Can the same be said about the G4/5?
You or Unication are NOT going to convince me that this product will be the next best thing to the Minitor. Very few volunteer departments have P25 systems in place. That's a fact! They even tried a sale campaign on trading in a Minitor for $150 off the $850 G4/5. Was that a successful campaign? How many of those Minitors did Unication receive that were purchased from eBay for $50? You do remember people asking on forums if the Minitors needed to be working order right?
So let's call it what is. This G4/5 has now been a device that has and is trying to replace scanners in this community. Nothing wrong with that. I encourage any company that has an excellent product to "take my money". SharkRF is an excellent device, have my money, gladly paid you. Uniden and whistler do not have an excellent product, so I gave them my money when deep sales happened. Unication doesn't have an excellent product. They have an excellent solution to LSM, that's it.
To close this... I would to like to remind you. I do want to purchase a G4/5 series for scanner use and NOT for work purposes. I do THINK that this product will be the next big thing with scanner hobbyists. The problem that we all know is preventing them propelling to the next level are the known issues and the price point. The price is too high as this point. Fix the issues and sell this device about $450 then you'll have great sales. Until then I'll be happy with my Harris and DSD+. Those work for ME!
FYI.... This reply is not meant for a debate. Debates are pointless with people that have blinders on. People that think there view is the ONLY view. Kind of like Apple vs Android Ford vs Chevy and of course the wonderful Lefty Dems!! Lol
Last time I checked we are still in a country that allows me to voice my opinion, my thoughts.Maximus doesnt like being wrong... He's proven that time and time again in different areas on RR. Fact of the matter is, it doesnt do everything his scanner does right out of the box and hes upset by that, even though its primary purpose isnt as a scanner.
I'm investigating the G4 for use in my area, Ohio MARCS compatible. I am reading a lot of reviews that state the G4 is light in the scanner functionality areas, and that is not really what it is intended for. So if the small police dept/fire dept in my town of Fairborn is what my primary monitoring target is, and it is on the digital Ohio MARCS P25 Phase 1 system, would this be the ideal radio to have to dedicate to those particular talk groups? Forget scanning neighboring systems and VHF/UHF and ham bands, etc, I have a bank of scanners that can do that at the desk. I am asking if this would be a good radio to dedicate to my immediate local TGs and nothing else. I don't know much about the radio, but I am getting that it's not a full-featured scanner and this is disappointing to most scanner enthusiasts. If I am understanding correctly, you can't really load the whole MARCS system in there and toggle between TGs and make fav lists, etcs. and expect it to perform like a BCD536 or a TRX-2. But, if you were to dedicate it to one fire dept and one police department, maybe a dozen TGs, isn't that really what it is intended for? Just curious, as I am looking to optimize my station/monitoring post - thanks
Gcopter mentioned a device for HAM use, that is the SharkRF by OpenSpot. That device has been praised by EVERYONE. You will not find ANYTHING negative to say about the device or the developer.
I have looked at SharkRF but here is the thing ... you can't clip a SharkRF to your belt and go about your day. While I have an 800mhz XTS3000 and XS2500 for dispatch, it is not practical to carry around all day. I rely on a LowBand Minitor V for dispatch paging, but as I live one town over, and across a bay, the lowband paging is often very difficult to hear, where as P25 800mhz comes in perfectly. So I am looking at a VHF/800 G5, which would allow me to go from two Minitor V pagers to a single G5 unit.
If you can tell me how a SharkRF can function in this manner, please let me know I am all ears.
My response was not at all aimed at you, but rather MaximusTheGreat