The new radio system is up and running. There were some issues which both Northway and Motorola
responded to in a timely manner. One issue – a firmware update was needed for the radios, and during this
process it was found that approximately 60 radios throughout the County will not flash to 16, which is what
is required. The radios will need new board upgrades or will have to be replaced completely. He and Sheriff
Peterson are working with Motorola on the issue. Sheriff Peterson indicated that when the system was
purchased, as vendors, Motorola and Northway were aware of the radios in the County and felt they were all
upgradeable, and it is up to them to make sure all radios are in working order with the narrow band system.
All Sheriff’s Office radios are working; however there are issues with Emergency Management, EMS and
Fire Department portables. Tom Marini questioned how to tell if the radios will work or not, and he was
advised Northway would be able to tell. Sheriff Peterson advised nothing had been signed off on, and
problems will need to be resolved prior to that.