I live in Trenton N.J. Trenton PD has been using the old VSELP system since 1997. Does anyone know if they will have to become APCO 25 compliant by 2006?
Thank You,
Thank You,
CQ20m said:Trenton already has the system in place, being used by Trenton Fire and various public works agencies.
PJH said:They won't be forced by government to go to IMBE, but rather manufacture and equipment support.
VSLEP was only available from Motorola. Field equipment that would allow usage were the Astro Spectra, Astro Saber and XTS3000. If they wanted to switch vendors or buy newer equipment, VSLEP wouldn't be available as an option (but if your a large enough customer, anything is possible).
Motorola has canceled the Astro Sabers a year ago, and the Astro Spectra's are due to be canceled by the end of the year.
Field products such as above have a 7 year support cycle at the depot. Meaning, they can still send the radio's in without a problem. After 7 years from the offical cancel date, they do not guarntee parts availablity and will not service the product (but if you can get the parts, you can do it yourself or a competent radio shop). There are still several radio lines that Motorola currently has an inventory of parts for, and the radio's are 15+ years old. I actually ordered new firmware for an X9000 that was discon around 1991? if not before that.
There are 2 or 3 other large departments that are VSLEP out there (Memphis and Cleveland?) come to mind.
The site equipment are your standard Quantar's and DIU3000's etc and can usually be upgraded to IMBE standards with a software upgrade. Same with the field radio's. List price for upgrading VSLEP to IMBE is/was around $300 each. I am sure some quanity discounts could apply.