For a number of reasons, no.... as was discussed a couple of years ago in the KYWINS Thread... The Kentucky Mutual Aid and Interoperability Initiative (KYMAI) is a really good system providing access to almost all agencies within the Commonwealth without the need to purchase new/additional radio gear...
Briefly this is how the current system is set-up: 150 MHz Band:
* There are 22 KLEEN (155.47500) Base Stations across Kentucky
* There are 16 Inter City (155.37000) Base Stations across Kentucky, each connected to
a Kentucky State Police (KSP) Post. 450 MHz Band:
* There are 96 “Statewide Freq” (453.35000) Base Stations across Kentucky. It is the only known 800 MHz Band:
* There are twenty NPSPAC 800MHz base stations in the Commonwealth, primarily along the I-75 and I-65 corridors as well as other locations to allow coverage of the Ohio Valley and other selected areas with operating 800MHz Public Service Systems.
"The purpose of the Mutual Aid Plan is to establish a seamless wireless voice communications infrastructure that will enhance the Commonwealth’s ability to deliver effective and timely emergency services to its citizens and avoid the creation of separate disparate non-interoperable wireless data communication networks."
(There are other 800 meg freqs listed in ULS that haven't been posted here that are part of the statewide data system under the auspices of KSP and the basis for KYWINS ...)