Enjoy your visit to the 'Boro. Was this a contest win? 1st prize a weekend in Willingboro, 2nd prize a week in Willingboro. I live there for the last 47 years.
Good info already provided on the trunk system, only thing to add if there is an all hands in service event on Response 1, any companies or EMS units in that Zone that are not involved in the incident are advised to moved to Response 2 in that zone until the situation is under control or TG is released by the IC.
In addition to the conventional channels listed, don't forget the operation channels. The most common use is for on scene fire communications. Police and EMS also have them to use but only use them on a case-by-case basis. Most of the coms are on portables, woulld need to be fairly close to receive anything
OPS 1 500.1875 Fire/EMS
OPS 2 500.2875 Fire/EMS
OPS 3 503.1875 PD
OPS 4 503.2875 PD
OPS 5 506.0375 Open Originally for Ground- helicopter communications
OPS 6 506.1375 General use
OPS 7 506.2375 General use
OPS 8 509.0375 General use
OPS 9 509.1375 County facilities
OPS 10 509.2375 Fire Police
WAR-A1 500.0875R Wide Area Repeater
WAR-A2 500.1125R Wide Area Repeater
WAR-A3 506.1875R Wide Area Repeater
All above PL 127.3
Willingboro Twp also has a municipal govt freq 153.980, probably will not hear anything on the weekend
There is also an amateur repeater in Willingboro 146.925
Also, NJ Transit Riveline Light Rail Line runs through adjacent towns west of Willingboro, NJT PD uses 161.190
Take Care