On the psr-800 and 1080 when you plug the USB cable in, you cannot use the radio for monitoring.
That's why you got no audio when usb is plugged in.
It's only for charging batteries or programming.
So you can't use a 1080 without batteries, this is a HUGE con on these radios.
I might have to mount a jack parallel onto the battery leads to feed external wall wart on my 800.
Just don't think there's any room for the jack.
Then you must be doing something wrong with the radio.
My 800 receives quite well running on the USB cable. It powers the radio, as well as, programming it. It is being used as a base scanner. Being as I don't charge batteries in the scanner. In fact, I used it mobile on a trip using the USB cable.
Best get your facts straight before posting such nonsense.