The Cheyenne tower has 155.43 as a control channel at the moment. It could be the alternate to 154.07 ?, It is still showing no tower information.
kd7gxu said:The 155.43 seems to be on all the time. 154.01 is the Pine Bluffs control channel. I would expect to hear some voice testing at some point.
OK. So Natrona County is supposedly `Southeastern'? Hmmmmmmm... {GRIN!} Any idea of the `timetable' for this `phase one' `rollout' for the State as VS places like Natrona County and Casper? (We were up in Wheatland around the end of July, looking for property, and I noticed that there were a bunch of what looked like new tower sites between there and Cheyenne. Dunno if they all were for the State or what but quite a few of them definitely looked to be still under construction as we went by. [Unfortunately I was behind the wheel both times and we were running a bit late on the way up, got caught in the UP steam train excursion `crunch', and in a bit of a hurry to get back home on the way back down, got off a bit late because a Realtor didn't show up on time, so I wasn't able to take much time to run a `SignalStalker' or just plain search or go and investigate a bit closer. {FROWN!}])Thunderbolt said:The first phase of the system is designed to cover the southeastern part of the state, and does from what I understand include Natrona County. Phase two, will continue onward where the first phase leaves off. Since the WyoLink TRS uses the same exact system architecture that we have here in Michigan, there is nothing to say that a city or a county can erect their own TRS, as long as its follows P-25 protocols.
For instance, let's say Campbell County installed their own P-25 TRS operating on the same radio band as the WyoLink System. However, they decide to install three tower sites that transmit on the same channel pairs from each tower site. This type of system is called a simulcast system, and transmits off two or more tower sites in the same area, at the same time. Campbell County decided to make this part of the WyoLink TRS, and their controller and towers are connected via the microwave backbone; hence becoming one seamless system. Moreover, with the current ASTRO dynamic platform, it's possible to have P-25 trunking systems on other bands become subsystems to the primary network.
In theory, this means that the cities of Casper and Cheyenne on 800 MHz, could become subsystems of WyoLink TRS, and would be limited by the range of their system, but could have full talkgroup integration if needed on both systems. All that would be needed is that they both have ASTRO Platform 6.3 or higher, and then become interconnected via the microwave backbone.
The possibilities are endless.
Far out! Nice to see you here! (You *do* know that you are a `rarity', don't you? {VB GRIN!}) Thanks for dropping in!Nightowl53 said:"Does anyone else know what's going on?" Well, yes. I do. (I'm the Project Manager)
`Scannists' can be pretty `resourceful' at times. {GRIN!} And combined with places like this, RR, and a bit of `legwork' quite often quite a few things can sometimes usually be `figured out' one way or another. {VB GRIN!}It sounds like you have a good rumor mill. Please tell me where you are getting your information.
*One* of things about WyoLink that is quite `refreshing' is that there *isn't* a big push to slam 800MHz down everyone's throats and recognizing that there are places and times when there are other `bands' that work better. It's even better, at least from this `displaced' though hopefully returning soon `native's' point of view, that Wyoming is where it is recognized and happening.Here's the straight scoop:
Four sites are on the air, (85-South, Russel Hill, North Albin, Whitcomb) and Sherman Hill is being built now. There was a delay in the frequency plan, which is why Sherman's combiner is delayed. It should be on the air before the end of the month.
There is a delay with the Master Site electrical power, but that is being resolved.
The first live users are expected in late Spring 2006. Until then the system will undergo testing and trail use. A series of exercises are planned.
As to encyption (you should learn to spell that word): Encyption is a user option that will be implemented by each agency as it chooses. You can count on critical law encforcement using encyption.
For more information, check the project web page or ask a question of the Project Manager.
GOLDENDOME said:The Russell Hill Site (pine Bluffs) Has Been Very Active Today, Sounds Like They Are Checking All Frequencies. This May Change Things On The Data Base.
Nightowl53 said:Something to be aware of: We have been putting some channels in a digital test pattern. This is being done to flush out interference issues and to provide a signal for coverage drive testing. So, what you hear may not be the control channel.
WyoLink PM