WAV file header
I did some searching and found a simple routine to extract the WAV file header. Here is the VBA code in Excel. If you type the full path/filename in the upper left cell and double-click any cell the header will pop up in a window. I'm very pleased that the tone is recorded in the header for conventional listings. I plan to write a routine that will rename the files to include the freq/tone or system/TG and sort them into a more useful file structure. -Tim
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Cancel = True
Dim i%, str$, Chunk(900) As Byte
f = FreeFile
Open Cells(1, 1) For Binary Access Read As f
Get f, , Chunk()
Close f
If Chunk(i) > 31 And Chunk(i) < 127 Then str = str & Chr(Chunk(i))
i = i + 1
Loop Until i = 900
MsgBox str
End Sub
Here is the header from a trunked recording:
RIFFMWAVELIST4INFOIART@South Dakota State Radio Systeme
/ Natl Interagency Fire Ctr -IGNR@Yankton Countylk Point
Center - Ground Ops - LogisticsINAM@Sheriff 1rationsticalcalgers6352p'sty)ICMT@GID:321601IPRDBCDx36HPIKEYn!ICRD20140203100534ISRC88.5ITCH@ISBJ@Full
DatabaseICOP****************unidFull Database00001.hpdOnOn11OffOffOffOffOffOffOffOfSouth
Dakota State Radio SystemOffMotorolaAreYankton CountyOff43.000000-97.40000020.0CircleTGIDTid=2Sheriff
And from a conventional recording:
RIFFhqWAVELIST4INFOIART@Clay Dakota State Radio Systeme
/ Natl Interagency Fire Ctr -IGNR@Clay Countytylk Point
Center - Ground Ops - LogisticsINAM@Vermillion Fire/EMS
DatabaseICOP****************unidFull Database00001.hpdOnOn11OffOffOffOffOffOffOffOfClayOffConventionalAreaStateCountyId=2372StateId=Clay
Fire/EMS TacticalOff154815000FMTONE=C88.58TPddH