I have 2 x OEM XTL series legacy programming cables. HKN6183A (RS232 to GCAI) and HKN6160B (RS232 to rear accessory).
With newer authorised CPS, my USB OEM HKN6163C cable works just fine, OEM HKN6184C works just fine on the last authorised XTL CPS with FW 8.xx onwards, but the RS232 cables will not and/or are unsupported.
My understanding for currently in-use models is; XTL Depot is the only "recent M software" in the XTL series uses RS232 cables and USB cables cannot work or are unsupported in Depot? I don't have depot software, I don't need it, I'm not authorised to have it, and I am NOT asking for it!! Because if I no longer need or can use my RS232 Motorola OEM cables, I may as well throw them on Ebay or to my HAM club. Haven't used them in years.
I am trying to fix a problem child XTL and to narrow down the root cause and apply a fix - See my other RadioReference forums post ;-).
So, I can't do a head sync using CPS with RS232 cables, unless it is a combo of Depot and RS232? Because this XTL is not recognising any USB cable. Therefore RS232's are useless to me, sell!!
Sorry for my dumb Q. It's been while and mind is rusty.
Thankyou in advance.
I have 2 x OEM XTL series legacy programming cables. HKN6183A (RS232 to GCAI) and HKN6160B (RS232 to rear accessory).
With newer authorised CPS, my USB OEM HKN6163C cable works just fine, OEM HKN6184C works just fine on the last authorised XTL CPS with FW 8.xx onwards, but the RS232 cables will not and/or are unsupported.
My understanding for currently in-use models is; XTL Depot is the only "recent M software" in the XTL series uses RS232 cables and USB cables cannot work or are unsupported in Depot? I don't have depot software, I don't need it, I'm not authorised to have it, and I am NOT asking for it!! Because if I no longer need or can use my RS232 Motorola OEM cables, I may as well throw them on Ebay or to my HAM club. Haven't used them in years.
I am trying to fix a problem child XTL and to narrow down the root cause and apply a fix - See my other RadioReference forums post ;-).
So, I can't do a head sync using CPS with RS232 cables, unless it is a combo of Depot and RS232? Because this XTL is not recognising any USB cable. Therefore RS232's are useless to me, sell!!
Sorry for my dumb Q. It's been while and mind is rusty.
Thankyou in advance.