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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTL5000 QC2 Programming

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Jun 18, 2017
I haven't worked with the Quick Call 2 on my radio so I'm a bit lost here. We receive QC2 tones for our Motorola pagers. I want to program a horn alert in my truck so when my pager goes off, my horn will sound when I'm out in the field. So I understand the very basic part of enabling the QC2 in the conventional personality, but not sure how to tie the QC2 in with the Horn Alert feature. Also, where to set the receive tones in the CPS. Any suggestions or pointing me to an existing thread will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Millennial Graying OBT Guy
Jun 16, 2013
Conventional>Quick-Call II>Quick-Call II Call List and program in your tones.

Conventional>Conventional Personality>Signalling...set Signalling Type=Quick-Call II then move to the Quick-Call II tab in the pop-up window and select Decode and select the QC-II Call ID List from the selected list in the first step. Use the AND setting if you want the radio muted until tones are received or the OR setting if you want the radio to only fire the horn upon receiving tones.

Radio Configuration>Radio Wide>Alarm tab...enable Horn&Lights.

From there you just use the accessory connector on VIP Out 1 (SWB+ or VCC through a relay with the other side of the coil going to VIP Out 1). You can also add the H/L option to the control head to enable/disable the function.


Jun 18, 2017
Conventional>Quick-Call II>Quick-Call II Call List and program in your tones.

Conventional>Conventional Personality>Signalling...set Signalling Type=Quick-Call II then move to the Quick-Call II tab in the pop-up window and select Decode and select the QC-II Call ID List from the selected list in the first step. Use the AND setting if you want the radio muted until tones are received or the OR setting if you want the radio to only fire the horn upon receiving tones.

Radio Configuration>Radio Wide>Alarm tab...enable Horn&Lights.

From there you just use the accessory connector on VIP Out 1 (SWB+ or VCC through a relay with the other side of the coil going to VIP Out 1). You can also add the H/L option to the control head to enable/disable the function.
Cool! Thank you for the help on this. I wasn't too far off. Have most of this done already. I will need to find the pinout for the accessory connector, but that should be easy. Do you know what the output voltage is that I will need to get a relay for? Of course, the load side will be 12v and at least enough amperage to carry the horn circuit. Thanks Again!


Millennial Graying OBT Guy
Jun 16, 2013
It is a sinking output (the pin is "floats" normally and grounds when triggered). 12V is fine and you can either pull the supply direct from the battery or via switched B+ on the back of the radio.


Jun 18, 2017
Sounds great Mastr - I sure appreciate the help here. Should be able to get it working from here. Thanks again for your help.


Jun 18, 2017
Most definitely. Really don't want to let too much smoke out if I can avoid it...... :)
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