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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTS-2500 Quick-Call II Set-Up HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sep 18, 2011
Hello all,

Have an XTS-2500 UHF radio and the software version Astro portable 25 16.01.00. Two questions I have about programming.

I set up the radio on Zone 1 channel 1 (conventional personality 1) to Quick-Call II system 1. The way I did this was go into conventional personality 1-240 and clicked on conventional personality #1 and then found the signalling tab, checked Quick Call-II from drop down box, directly under it was another drop down box for System 1 and System 2.

I selected System 1 because on the Main Tree Menu I was able to set up the Quick Call System 1 with the 2-tones that I need and have it selected for a/b and a/c. ALS and BLS dispatch. As I moved over and found the QC-II tab in the conventional personalities I checked that box.

When the radio is NOT in scan mode, the pager channel is silent and opens up only when the medics get toned out. Just perfect!!! Here is the other part of my question. When the radio is scanning, the conventional personalities in Zone 1.... lets call it "Medic-channel 8" does not seem to keep it in the QC decoding mode, the channel seems to default into a CSQ receiving state and I have to stop the scanning and keep it only on channel 8 to hear the 2-tones and pages. Any idea why that is and if there is a way to keep it in the QC quiet mode while scanning?

Question #2, I want to program another set of 2-tones for another conventional personality. Once again I go through the steps: Select signalling in conventional personality, drop down box to QC-II then ATTEMPT to select and set to System Number 2 , which it gives me a choice, but the radio will not take it. It only will remain on System 1!!!!! I went into the menu tree view and scrolled down to Quick Call set up and it shows that there are 2 systems there and set up with separate tones for each system 1 and 2. QC-II System 1 and QC-II System 2. They both have different 2 tone configurations.

I want the radio to page out on "Medic channel 8" with one set of tones on QC-II System 1 and as an example, "County Alert Ambulance" set up on Channel 2 conventional personality. However since the radio won't allow me to select another system number under Quick-call, I can have only ONE PAGER channel. Why ????

What is preventing the CPS from allowing me to use the drop down box and select another system number with the other set of pager tones.? Any help would be appreciated. The XTS-2500 is a very nice radio and costly and I really would like to make the most of it. Spent all night finally getting the MDC to decode last night from 1am-7am as well as QC-II System 1 to page out on only one Conventional personality. Very long night for this hobby. Now I reach out to anyone in this forum for your assistance. Thank you.


Feb 24, 2001
Sounds like you have a radio that has FPP option. In order for you to select the second or higher numbered system, for either MDC, QCII, DTMF or ASTRO you must disable the FPP option for the zone first. You can only disable the last FPP enable zone. If you have 15 FPP zones you can only disable FPP on zone 15. Each channel still needs it's own conv personality and the zone still requires 16 channels.


FAIL 01/93
Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2004
New York, NY
Each channel still needs it's own conv personality and the zone still requires 16 channels.

Depends on the radio firmware, this only occurs on R09.xx.xx firmware. R12.xx.xx and greater, disabling FPP will make the zone function as a normal zone, you can have as many channels (or not) as you want, etc. Obviously, enabling FPP reasserts the conditions, i.e. 16 channels w/ a unique personality for each channel.

Also depending on firmware you can actually disable all the FPP zones, and only have 1 mandatory FPP zone (for FPP flash I've never been able to properly disable FPP for zone 1, yes CPS will allow you to disable it for zone 1 but I've found the radio doesn't operate correctly sometimes). It is possible to sequentially go through and delete the FPP enabled zones, i.e. disable FPP on zone 15, delete zone 15, disable FPP on zone 14, etc etc.

For FPP to be enabled on a zone, the previous zone must ALSO have FPP enabled. So you can't, say, enable FPP on zone 1 then enable it on zone 3. Zones 1 - 3 would have to have FPP enabled.

All my portables are running the latest firmware and are configured for only 5 FPP zones.


Sep 18, 2011
Thanks guys, you were all correct. With the FPP option the radio would not allow me to select the QC-II system #2 or #3, etc. I went to Zone 15 and unchecked the FPP box and it worked!!! I was able to select the second system so I can actually have more then one 2-tone set of paging options. You guys are great.

How about this question. Press the scan button and the radio will scan the channels in the scan list. No problem so far. Picks up what I want it too, HOWEVER, the radio when in scan mode keeps my QC-II Channel in the CSQ state !!!! I want to be able to scan my selected list, but also keep the radio, for the hell of it lets call it County Page quiet which is on Channel 1 ,Zone 1 and the rest of the channels are scanning. Since County Page is very active I really don't want to hear anything unless the county dispatcher sends the correct 2-tone sets to the radio and of course QC-II will decode it, but right now when the radio is in the scan mode it seems to ignore that option and makes it an open carrier, of course the DPL or CTCSS still is functioning. ANY IDEAS????
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