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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTL/XTS5000 XTS-5000 antenna receptacle variations

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 1, 2008
Northern Harnett Co. NC
Yes the center conductor/tip is too low in the antenna socket, due to the increased depth, requiring an antenna with a longer reach.

I hand-filed off the two lowest threads of an old junk drawer antenna of which the rubber had dried up and broken off a long time ago, revealing the inner copper winding. I think it's a UHF stubby antenna, and it has a green tip in the base.

This modification has allowed the antenna to make contact with the center conductor, and reception is spotty as expected, but the mod worked.




Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Looking at your first pic. There is definitely something in that antenna socket on the threads. I looked at a few 800 here and they all look like the right one. My guess is something has threaded down in the base there.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 1, 2008
Northern Harnett Co. NC
Looking at your first pic. There is definitely something in that antenna socket on the threads. I looked at a few 800 here and they all look like the right one. My guess is something has threaded down in the base there.


OK, so I looked again with a bright light, and using a sharp metal pin this time, not a tiny screwdriver, I was able to pick around and to my suprise, like so many of you suggested (thanks!) I dislodged a white plastic/nylon/Delrin (whatever) that was smashed into the lower threads. I truly thought it was part of it, as there is white down in the bottom around the pin. Fooled me.

Mystery solved. Just took me a 3rd try and digging with a sharp pin to realize my eyes were lying to me. It was so thin, and covering the bottom
threads so nicely it looked like it was supposed to be there. UGH

This is what I dislodged with the sharp pin, before I dug it out:

2021-01-20 21.01.01.jpg
2021-01-20 21.03.38.jpg
And here it is..really thin soft plastic. Whew! Finally solved.

Thanks for everyone's help!
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P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
grinding antennas and taking apart radios? Why don't you want to get in there and pick out the now stuck piece? The antenna was forced into it so its very much stuck as seen in the photo. I have the same adapter and the bottom piece came off and gets lodged in there same as this. Just pick it out, your gonna have use a lot of force with a pick, because its now stuck in there from forcing an antenna in it. I'd suggest trying to "unscrew" it with a pick because it probably wont come out after being crushed into the threads


Premium Subscriber
Jan 1, 2008
Northern Harnett Co. NC
grinding antennas and taking apart radios? Why don't you want to get in there and pick out the now stuck piece? The antenna was forced into it so its very much stuck as seen in the photo. I have the same adapter and the bottom piece came off and gets lodged in there same as this. Just pick it out, your gonna have use a lot of force with a pick, because its now stuck in there from forcing an antenna in it. I'd suggest trying to "unscrew" it with a pick because it probably wont come out after being crushed into the threads

Exactly! I edited my post above so refresh your browser to see the pics of what I found. Thanks.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2005
A good thread indeed. It works to warn, or later educate, others that use the adapter and to pay attention to see if the white tube thingy came off in the well. It sits flush in the antenna well when dislodged from the adapter, so unless paying attention one may screw the antenna right down into the well and have the same/similar result.

P.S. There's another little tube thingy on that adapter as well and it is black and smaller. The white one surrounds it. It may come off as well.
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