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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTS2500 FPP CPS Programming

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Premium Subscriber
May 10, 2015
I just received my XTS2500 FPP Radio in the mail today (Model Number: H46KDH9PW7AN) I'm having trouble getting the codeplug to write to the radio. I get this message:

"This archive can not be written to this radio.

The firmware version in this radio requires 15 zones, 16 channels per zone, and 240 conventional personalities. Each channel must sequentially point to a unique personality (see example below). Please modify this archive or refresh the firmware in the radio via FLASHport.


Zone 1 / Channel 1 -> Personality 1
Zone 1 / Channel 16 -> Personality 16
Zone 2 / Channel 1 -> Personality 17
Zone 15 / Channel 16 -> Personality 240

I have gone through all 15 zones, and every channel has its own personality 1-240. However, there are a total of 241 personalities. and I can not delete any of them, the red X on everyone of them is grayed out. I don't know where the extra personality came from and I have no clue how to get rid of it.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2003
I'm going out on a limb here but it sounds like you're trying to write a codeplug for a non-FPP radio - this won't work. There are significant differences in an FPP radio that affect how the radio and CPS work.

You'll need to build a codeplug specific to the FPP radio. To start, read the radio, and delete unwanted FPP zones starting with 15 and work down. Then you can delete the personalities that are no longer tied to an FPP zone.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
The problem is the extra personality. Somewhere is a non-FPP conventional personality and this has hosed things up.

FPP on the XTS is very picky about having exactly 240 unique personalities.

Did this happen after you modified an existing codeplug? Hopefully you saved it before making any changes and can write that back into your radio and start over.

Also, what flashcode and HOST version is present in the radio? I see this is an AN 4MEG radio (at least by your model number) so I'm guessing HOST 9.xx.xx, DSP 16.xx.xx?


Feb 9, 2008
Lookout Mountain, Alabama
It is pretty easy to make that mistake of creating a personality but not having a channel assigned against it. I did it too by accidentally clicking on the green + symbol. I ended up with 242.

What is interesting is if you scroll through the personalities list to the end (use the >| button to go to the last personality) and if you created more than 241 personalities you will see that the red X will be lit up, you can delete anything greater than 241, just not back to #240 (seems like a software bug where someone could not count).

It does not seem to hurt anything. I just used the tabular editor in the personalities menu to do mass changes. (open a personality, click on the little symbol that looks like a light blue spreadsheet icon in the lower right corner). To mass edit a value right click on a cell and use "fill value down" or "fill value up" to populate every personality with the same value.

I find the "fill value down" as useful when changing the squelch setting to "2". Amateur radio we are a bit more tolerant of static on signals and the radio is a bit deaf when the squelch defaults to 4 or 5. ( I set the NOAA channels as receive only with a squelch setting of 1). Other things I change are the MDC (squauk) decode and ASTRO call (on P25 systems).

If you had to hand-edit each personality you would go crazy; so the tabular way of doing things is a great starting point to get your defaults done quickly.

Tisha, AA4HA
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